Final Battle Part 2 (Edited)

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"Rose, don't do this. This isn't you," I said to Rose, trying to get through to her.

"You know nothing about me." She said as she pointed her wand at me with the burnt wand.

"DARK MAGIC!!!" She yelled.

Luckily, I dodged it, but it hit the wall and destroyed it. That could have been me.

"Rose, I don't want to hurt you," I told her.

"Then this will be over quickly. Rose said.

She kept trying to blast me, but I dodged all her attacks.


Cyrus and I were having a stare-down, like the last time we went against each other.

We both took out our wands, but he blasted me before I could blast him, and I got knocked down.

"You can't beat me this time Lefrog," He told me.

I was about to give up, but I then remembered something.

"Joy, no one can do anything you can do. This is your time to shine."

Rose told me that when Regal Academy was going against frog academy.

She's right. There are things that I can do that no one else can, like frog fu.

Cyrus tried to blast me again, but I kicked his wand out of his hand, knocking it to the ground.

I jumped up to the railing of the second level of the classroom while he tried to get his wand.

By the time he got it, he couldn't see me.

I started running around the top, confusing him.

"Hey, where'd you go?" He asked since he didn't know where I was.

"FAIRYTALE OF MY DREAM, FROG BALL MAKE THE SCENE!!!" I shouted as my wand turned into the frog ball.

I summoned the lightning bugs, and they shined bright lights in Cyrus' face.

"I can't see!" He shouted

I then summoned the spider spies, and they tied Cyrus' legs and arms together, making him fall, and the lightning bugs continued zapping him.

I don't like hurting people as much as the next girl, but this was funny to watch.


Ok, Vicky has gotten on my last nerve with her mocking us and getting under my skin.

"Hey Astoria, I heard from headmistress Cinderella that she was going to make me the next headmistress after we graduate," She said.

I lost it. I grabbed Vicky by the ankle with my hair and swung her around the room about ten times.

"Astoria, I think she gets it," Shawn said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I blushed, and I dropped Vicky without even realizing it.

"You can't... de... feat me so-" She tried to say trying to stand, but she was too dizzy and looked like she was about to hurl.

"Let's finish this," I told Shawn, and he nodded.

"FAIRYTALE OF MY DREAM, FIRE BANGLES MAKE THE SCENE!!!" I shouted as my wand turned into my fire bangles.

I threw them at Vicky, and they knocked her in the head.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now