The Choice Part 2 (Edited)

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I choose...


Joy, Travis, Ling Ling, Shawn, and I are sitting outside the castle wondering what to do when Dr. LeFrog and Professor Snow White came on the guardian dragons with worried expressions on their faces.

"I'm afraid we have bad news." Dr. LeFrog said to us.

"What is it, Grandpa?" Joy asked.

"The Snow Queen escape." Professor Snow White said,

"WHAT!!!" We all shouted as we stood up.

"But how?" I asked.

"When we went to the dungeon to check on her and Leth. But when we got there she was gone, and in her place was Spencer." They explained.

"So the Snow Queen is still on the loose." Ling Ling said sadly.

"Well on the bright side, we still have Leth and his grandson," Travis said trying to lighten up the mood.

He was right, we still have those too, but catching the Snow Queen would have ended her reign of terror against us and our grandparents.

"Hey, what about Vicky, Cyrus, and Kira?" Travis asked.

"They said they were mind control like Rose. And since they're all such good students, they will not be punished." Snow White explained.

Our mouths hung open, and we stared at them in disbelief. Rose dies and they don't even get a lecture. And they called them good students.


"We should probably tell Hawk." Ling Ling said.

"Any volunteers?" Professor Snow White asked.

We all looked at each other and then looked at the ground.

None of us wanted to bother him, especially when he was really upset.

"I'll tell him." Professor Snow White said and went inside the castle, the rest of us sighed feeling like a tiny weight was a lift off our shoulders.


We all appeared far from the school so we wouldn't be spotted.

"Well, this has to be the worst day of my life," Vicky said.

"We had the school for one second until those good-for-nothing heroes came and ruined everything." My mom said.

"Not to mention we could have almost gotten expelled, if it wasn't for Vicky coming up with us being mind control too," I said.

"Whatever, what happened, happened and there is nothing we can do about it," Cyrus commented.

"Nobody asked you, Cyrus," Vicky said.

"He's right." My mom said.

Vicky and I looked at each other in disbelief.

"He Is?" We both asked.

"Yes, that annoying Cinderella is gone. And there's nothing they can do to bring her back." My mom said.

Vicky and I looked at each other and grinned.

"Now come on, before anyone sees you with me and we'll all be banished." My mom said and we followed her.


I soon cried myself to sleep, lying my head on Rose's bed when I felt a light shine on me.

I open my eyes to see a girl who looked like a spirit carrying a blonde girl who looked unconscious, I looked closer to see she was carrying Rose.

She placed her on top of Rose's physical form and smiled at me before disappearing.

I looked down at Rose whose body started glowing white and her burned arm and stab wound healed.

Suddenly she took a deep breath in and I stared at her shocked.

"Rose?" I said part of me wanted to believe it.

She slowly open her eyes and looked at me.

"Hawk?" She said weakly.

"ROSE!!!" I yelled as I cried and hugged her not wanting to let her go.

She hugged me back and I felt her crying on my shoulder.

We soon broke the hug and I stared at her shocked.

"How!" Was the only thing that says out of my mouth.

"It's a long story. Not even I can believe it." She said.

Before I could say anything else, we heard a knock at her door and it slowly opened revealing my granny.

"Hawk there's something I need to tell..." She was about to say it until she saw Rose up.

"Hi." Rose shyly said not knowing what else to do.

Granny walked up to Rose slowly, scaring me a little. The only thing I can think of is that if Rose didn't die then, she is going to die now.

When Granny got up to Rose, she stood there frozen. Not moving a muscle.

Then Granny did the last thing I ever expected her to do too. She hugged Rose.

Rose and I were speechless.

"I'm glad your back." She said to her as she let her go but her hands were still on Rose's shoulders.

Rose and I stared at her blankly.

"Am I still died, because you would never say that to me?" Rose said unsure.

"Yes dear, you're very well alive. I'm just happy you're here." She said.

"Yeah, I'm still pretty sure I'm still dead." Rose turned to me and we both laughed.

I help her off the bed cause she was still weak and we went outside where the others were and they looked at us speechless.

"Rose?!" They all said shock.

Joy went up to her and put her hand on Rose's cheek, trying to see if she was there.

She then hugged Rose tight. A little too tight.

The others soon joined in and Rose's face turned red and looked like she was running out of air.

"Guys I love you, but I can't breathe." She told them, and they instantly let go.

"Now I know how you guys feel when I hug you." She said and we all laughed.

"What's going on out here?"

We all turned to see Rose's mom and granny standing at the door of the castle, and they stared at Rose.

"Rose, is that you?" Her mom said as she slowly walked up to her placing her hand on her cheek.

Rose touched her mom's hand, and her mom hugged her, never wanting to let her daughter go.

"Rose!" She said hugging her daughter.

Cinderella just stood there speechless.

When they broke it, Rose walked up to her granny and hugged her.

Her granny was shocked but slowly hugged her back, and she started crying.

"I'm so sorry." She said.

"It's not your fault," Rose said.

Rose's mom soon joined them and we all had tears in our eyes.

"Our friend is back!"

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now