Till Death Do Us Part (Edited)

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When we broke the kiss, I saw Rose's hair and eyes were back to normal.

"Rose, is it you?" I asked her not sure that she was back.

"I-" was the only thing she could see before I saw a sword that was stabbed into the heart.


She fell into my arms, and I started seeing blood flowing from where she was stabbed.

"Don't worry, you're going to be ok," I told her with tears falling and to stop the bleeding. I wanted to believe it.

"Hawk, we both know that's not true." She said weakly.

"Rose please, I can't lose you. Not again." I said begging her to hold on.

"Hey it's ok, you still have our friends remember." She said sweetly. She slowly raised one of her hands and wiped some of the tears on my face.

"But I can't lose you. I can't."

She just smiled at me. That smile would always make my day whenever I saw it. But now, this may be the last time I'll see it.

"This is all my fault," I said to myself. Rose must have heard me cause her hand moved and rested on my cheek.

"No...it isn't," she said weakly as blood started to flow out of her mouth. I cried even.

"But if I hadn't let Ambrosia kiss me, then you wouldn't have run away. You would have never gotten taken. This is all on me. I'm such a fool."

She caressed my cheek and her eyes locked with mine. I didn't want to look away.

"No, you're not."

"Just please, stay with me." I begged.

"I can't." Rose then winced in pain. "But please don't cry. I want you to be happy."


"Let me go. Find someone else to love. Live your fairytale. But just... remember that I... I love you, Hawk. I've always had... and always will." Her hand slowly slid out of mine, and she lay there still.

"NO!!!" I shouted pulling her close to me, knowing that she was gone.

"Please tell me this is some sort of joke! Please wake up and tell me that it was all some sort of joke!" I cried not caring who heard.

I just sat there crying in her chest, not caring that there was my face and armor were covered in her blood.

"Rose... I love you too." I whispered.

I looked up to see Leth standing in front of me, with a sword in his hand with blood on it.

"Why?" Was the only thing I could say.

"Because Cinderella took something from me, so I took something from her." He said and chuckled.

"So, you tricked your grandson saying you were gonna make her fall in love with him, but your actual plan was to kill her the entire time," I said shocked.

"Such a smart boy." He said.

I just glared at him. I felt my anger rise in me, but I was frozen I didn't know what to do or say.

"But don't worry. You'll be joining her." He said as he lifted my chin with the same sword that killed Rose.

I don't care what he does to me. The only person I was focused on is Rose.

"Goodbye, Snow White." He said as he raised his sword, about to kill me. But before he could a bunch of blue arrows pushed him back. I knew that it was Ling Ling's moonbow.

I heard Joy, Travis, and Ling Ling running toward me, but I couldn't face them.

"Hawk, are you ok?" Travis asked before he saw Rose wrapped in my arms, and saw the blood on me and her.

They were all in shock by what they saw.

"What... happened?" Ling Ling finally said.

I didn't know what to say. How could I tell them that our best friend is dead?

"He killed her." Was all I could muster and they were all speechless.


I was shocked by what Hawk just said. Our best friend can't be gone.

I fell on my knees next to Hawk and covered my face with my hands and I bursts into tears.

I can't believe it. I don't believe it. She can't be gone.

I looked over and saw Ling Ling crying on Travis's shoulder. He was holding her, crying too.

None of us knew what to do, suddenly we all heard cackling, we all turned to see Leth staring at us laughing at us, and we all glared at him angrily.

I wiped my tears away, stood up, and walked in front of my friends pointing the frog ball at him.

"You think you can defeat me with a few bugs and insects." He said and continued laughing.

I just glared at him ready to stop him when Ling Ling joined me.

"She won't be the only one." She said as she aimed her moonbow at him.

Travis also came up with his beast mask on, and finally, Hawk did too still having a few tears in his eyes, but he is holding the mirror shield.

"We won't let our friend's death be in vain," Travis said putting courage in my heart.

We all looked at Hawk waiting for him to say it.


Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now