Final Battle Part 3 (Edited)

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The four of us ran over to Leth, and his sword turned into a wand and aimed at us.

"Dark Magic!"

The four of us split to dodge it, with Hawk being with me and the girls with each other.

Ling Ling fired a moon arrow at the moon, and since it was out a full moon, the arrow multiplied into a quantity of them heading toward Leth, but he dodged them all.

He tried to attack Hawk and me, but Hawk blocked it with his mirror shield.

He then tried to hit Joy and Ling Ling, but Joy summoned the magic moths who dispelled his spell.

He then made a portal behind himself and went through it, leaving us all confused.

"Uh, where did he go?" Joy asked.

I then felt something hit me from behind, and I hit the ground and saw the others do as well. I looked up to see Leth walking towards us with a grin like the Cheshire cat.

"Found him," I said

"We aren't getting anywhere with him," Hawk told us.

"Anyone got any ideas 'cause I'm up for anything." Ling Ling said.

Before we could do anything, we all heard a dragon roar.

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is," I said, not wanting to believe it.

We all looked up to see the Snow Queen and her dragon circling us.

"Looks like our dragons could hold her off," Joy said.

The Snow Queen saw us and started blasting toward us while her dragon did the same.

"And if one powerful villain wasn't enough, you just had to add another one." I exsaturated

"We have to get rid of her so we can defeat Leth," Hawk said.

"But how?" Joy asked.

An idea popped into my mind.

"Everyone, hold on to something!" I yelled to them, and they all grabbed what was near them. I ran to the middle of the courtyard and roared with my beast mask on, causing a lightning storm and strong winds blowing in the air.

I looked at the others who struggled to hold on and not fly away while Leth was on the ground, trying not to get blown away. The Snow Queen's dragon got caught up in the wind and was struck by lightning.

"What did you do to my dragon." She yelled to me as her dragon had a hard time flying.

She soon lost control and fell off and landed in the water.

"That was amazing, Travis!" Ling Ling exclaimed.

"Thanks, Ling Ling." I blushed.

"Uh guys, where did Leth go?" Hawk asked, pointing to where Leth was.

We all heard something heading towards us and were knocked down again. We all turned to see Leth.

"It's gonna take more than a little wind to take me down." He said as he started blasting at us again.

He continued blasting us when I saw something when he goes through the portals.

"Guys, I have an idea! Hawk, come with me!" I told the others as I pulled Hawk to the side with me.


Joy and I are busy with Leth. And I'm curious about what the guys are up to.

Joy used the stick bugs so that he wouldn't be able to move, but he was able to break out of it like it was nothing.

I tried using my moonbow again, but he blocked all arrows from hitting him.

"Where are Hawk and Travis?" Joy asked.

"I have no idea. But Travis plans better work." I said, struggling.

Leth sent a large at us, and Joy and I collided our magic together, but he was much stronger than our magic combined and sent us flying.

He came up with an evil grin on his face.

"Get ready to join your friend." He said, smirking.

I held Joy's hand and put on a brave face knowing this could be our end when we all heard a voice.

"Hey, King Loser, why don't you fight someone your own size."

We saw Hawk standing behind Leth with a cocky look.

"Well then, shall we." He said and went towards Hawk.


Leth went towards me and started firing at me. Luckily I was able to block them with my mirror shield and it went flying back to him until I stumbled on my feet. He got a clear shot and blasted me, pinning my back against a tree.

"Looks like your all out of ideas." He said and made himself another portal which I knew is going to appear to side me.

Leth feet were about to hit the ground when a tornado knocked him off his feet. His wand fell out of his hands and I caught it, before trapping Leth in ice.

I turned to Travis who had created the tornado, and high five him.

Ling Ling and Joy both ran up to us and we were shocked by what just happened.

"How did you know that would work," Joy asked us.

Travis explained how he realized every time Leth made a portal to go through when he came out of the other one it takes about two seconds for his feet to touch the ground, so we took advantage of it.

As he was explaining to the others, I went over to Rose who I hid out of sight. I kneeled down on one knee and picked her up bridal style. She was cold and her skin was pale. But importantly she wasn't breathing. I could feel tears on my face not wanting to believe it.

The others saw me and went over to me. They also started to have tears in their eyes.

What we didn't know was that the Snow Queen was behind us with her wand pointing at us.

We all turned to see her about to blast us when something stopped her.

"Pumpkin Magic!!!" She got trapped inside a pumpkin prison.

We looked up to see all our grandparents and Astoria and Shawn.

"Where have you two been?" Travis asks them.

"Well, after we took care of Vicky, we looked around the school and we found our grandparents in the dungeons of the school," Shawn explained.

"The school has a dungeon?" Joy asked shocked

"Yes, but we never really use it since we have the portal." My granny said as she looked at us and saw tears in our eyes.

"Why are you all crying?" Astoria asks.

The others moved out of the way, and they saw Rose in my arms, pale.

They were all shocked at what they saw, and Rose's mother stood in front of me, shaking.

"What happened!" She asks worriedly. She placed her hand on Rose's face and was shocked by how cold she was.

We weren't able to speak, and they all knew what happened. We all stayed there crying our eyes out until headmistress Cinderella suggest we take her to Cinderella Castle.

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