We're in Danger Now (Edited)

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I walked through the portal that was made, and it caused a massive explosion.

I entered an old castle destroyed by the blast and found four people lying unconscious.

One of them I recognized as Rose. I saw a girl with bright yellow curly hair lying next to the caldron, and I recognized her from what the Snow Queen showed me.

I went over to her and Rose, put them on my shoulders, and carried them out of the destroyed castle, leaving the other two people there.

I went out to see the Snow Queen on her dragon, and my grandson and two other kids his age, one of them a remember is the Snow Queen's daughter.

"Grandpa, your here." My grandson said, running towards me and seeing who I was carrying on my shoulders.

"What happened to them?" A boy with red hair asked.

"They were both knocked out by the explosion," I explained to him.

"So that's what that was." The snow queen said as she got off her dragon and came over to me.

"Freya, still cold and beautiful as always," I told her.

"FREYA!?" My son and the redhead said, shocked.

"My mom's real name," Kira said, and the boys. "Oh."

"Leth still the old charmer." She said back to him.

"Ew!!!" The three of them said.

"Let's get out of here." The Snow Queen's daughter said in disgust.


After they disappeared, Joy and I got out of hiding.

"We need to find Hawk and Astoria," I told her.

So we both ran into the castle to find it could fall on top of us any second.

We soon found them lying on the ground. My heart dropped when I saw Astoria lying on the floor with dirt on her face and not moving.


I ran over to her and shook her, trying to wake her up, while Joy went over to Hawk.

Suddenly, she began to wake up, and I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Shawn, are you ok?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," I told her.

"Are you sure? You look like you were crying." She said, pointing to my face.

"Oh no, the dust was getting into my eyes." I lied.

"Sure." She said while getting up, not fully believing me.

I turned to Joy with Hawk, who also regained consciousness.

"Th-they got a-away," Hawk said, stuttering.

"We know, we saw them leave, and Astoria, we need your fire bangles," Joy said.

"Why?" She asked.

"You'll see," I told her.

As we were about to leave, we heard something rumbling.

"Please tell me that was one of your stomachs? I said, not wanting to believe what was happening.

"Shawn, you and I both know it wasn't," Astoria told me.

We all turned around to see that the cave was falling apart.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now