About Time (Edited)

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(One week later)


It's been a week since everything happened, I got back to Regal Academy, and everyone has been happy to see me again, well everyone except Vicky and her team.

When they saw me, they looked like they all have seen a ghost. Well, I did die and then came back to life so I wouldn't be surprised if they thought that I was a ghost or spirit flying around.

Tonight my granny held a ball for everyone and I was standing by Joy when someone I least expected to see walked up to me.

"Hi, Rose."


You're probably wondering why Spencer is here and not on Earth. Well...

(Five days ago)

"Because of you two trying to take over Fairytale Land and kill Cinderella's granddaughter, you both are hereby banished to earth." Snow White said to Leth and Spencer.

I heard from Hawk that Spencer and his grandfather were both going to be banished to Earth forever. I ran to the portal as fast as my shoes could take me.

When I got there the teachers were about to open the portal.


They all turned to me and were surprised that I was there.

"Rose, what are you doing here?" Granny asked me.

Just then my friends came up to me wondering the same thing.

"You can't... banish... Spencer." I said trying to catch my breath.

Everyone stared at me shocked.

"Why not?" Coach Beast asked.

"None of this is his fault."

"What are you talking about? He turned you, Vicky, Kira, and Cyrus evil." Dr. LeFrog said.

I pretended he didn't say that. No one in fairytale land can turn Vicky evil. She's the definition of evil.

"He stole our wands." Magister Rapunzel added.

"Technically he and Vicky stole your wands." Astoria corrected her.

"Stay out of this, Astoria." The teachers said and Rose said making the pink-haired girl close her mouth.

Granny walked up to me. "He's the reason you were killed, Rose," Granny said.

"He didn't know his grandpa was planning to kill me the entire time. Plus, I was only gone for like what, two hours."

"Three actually," Astoria said.

I glared at her and she took a step back and stared at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Just saying." She mumbled.

"Anyways." I faced Granny. "He was manipulated by his grandfather the who time. Please don't punish him for what his grandpa did." I told them.

Granny sighed and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"You always see the good in people Rose." She said.

And with that, Spencer wasn't banished, but his grandpa was. And this time he didn't have any magic he could use to escape.

But before he was pushed through the portal, Granny took off her shoe and smacked it on Leth's face.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now