Calm before the Storm Part 3 (Edited)

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Kira, Cyrus, and I were waiting for the others with the wands at the hideout with the gem, we soon saw Spencer and Vicky coming on Vicky's dragon, but we saw those good-for-nothing "heroes" close behind them.

"Did you guys know that you all were being followed?" I asked them while pointing to the mission dragons.

"Never mind that. Do you have the gem?" Vicky asked us.

"Yep," I said, holding it up.

"What happened to your arm?" Spencer asked me worriedly.

I saw my sleeve was burned off, and my arm was covered in more burn marks than before.

"How did we miss that?" Cyrus asked.

"The dragon guarding the gem shot a fireball at me, hitting my arm," I told them.

"Does it hurt?" Spencer reached to touch it, but I moved my hand away.

"No, it doesn't." I lied as I stepped away from him.

"Uh, guys, they're almost here," Kira said, changing the subject.

"Spencer, Kira, Cyrus, hold them off. Vicky and I will start making the potion." I told them.

"And we'll have extra help," Kira said with a smirk.

We all nodded in agreement, and Vicky and I went inside.


We followed Vicky and spencer's dragon to what looked like an old castle that was destroyed.

"That must be where they are." Ling Ling said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" the Hawk said as we began to land our mission dragons.

We found three people waiting for us when we got to the entrance.

Kira, Cyrus, and Spencer.

"If you want to stop the potion being made, you gonna have to get past us," Spencer said.

"Remember the plan, guys?" I asked them. We made a plan on the way here.

They all nodded.

"Fury Magic!" Travis said, making a tornado, causing them to fly in the air.

"Crystal Magic!" Kira said, making a lot of snow to break their fall.

"You think that was funny? You've ain't seen nothing yet." Spencer said, pointing his wand to the ground.

"Dark Magic!" He said, causing an earthquake and making numerous cracks in the ground.

Luckily we all dodge it without falling into the cracks.

While they were busy with that, Hawk and I sneaked inside the old castle, hoping to stop Rose and Vicky in time.


Astoria and I sneaked inside the old castle while the others were distracted by Kira, Cyrus, and Spencer.

The castle was filled with old paintings that I felt were all staring at me.

"Hawk over there."

I looked to where Astoria pointed, and we heard voices in the distance.

We followed them till we reached an old room with a cauldron in the center, along with Rose and Vicky.

We hid behind the door and eavesdropped on them.

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