(BO3) Spectre x Reader

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"Anger management?"
-"No. Its just sensitivity. Sensitivity is weak."
[Female reader]
Requested by : cherryxdumbass

Y/N huffed, facing upwards to glance at the clouds. Everyone cycled through their futuristic loadouts but she still decided that she wouldnt give up on the Kuda no matter how tedious the shitter was.

Y/N was sort of a mystery to people. Everyone but Spectre. They were inseparable, always rushing together, no matter where you looked or how good you thought you had them—- one of them will knock you off your feet.

Armor lined Y/Ns entire body, its sharp, jagged edged were designed for her special ability, and also to keep herself hidden. The only thing shown was her right eye.

Many rumors floated around that she was blind in one eye and didnt need it, that she had a nasty wound there, but it was always something about her looks.

The game started, as she shook herself of her thoughts. Spectre took notice of the unusual silence between them and decided to gun-butt her on the arm.

"Hey! What was that for-?"

"Too quite. Better," the assassin muttered, before staring at her expectantly.

Their relationship was his personal favorite. She would talk, he would listen. He is as redacted as he can get, but Y/N knows her way around everything. Y/N knew her way around him.

"No." She sighed, walking off. She thought about what she wanted to do this match, wether it be just doing the usual objective plays or just sitting.

"Why?" The man questioned, hands on his hips.

The two heard whispers close to their area, but they remained in cover long enough to decipher their words.

"Weve got to find Y/N alone!"

"Yeah, i heard that face armor isnt hard to rip off, maybe we could see the other eye."

Y/Ns heart started to jump. Spectre was so locked in on the conversation he didnt see her up and leave. She wouldnt normally just leave without telling him.

She made her way through rubble and debris just to hide. Hiding. Pathetic.

"Yknow i think shes up here!"

"Holdon, that wasnt there before. Someones hiding in here!"

One of the men dug through the rubble too quick, Y/N didnt have any time to react, other than using her last resort.

But she held back.

Wrestling out of the mens grips, she quickly disabled one, spinning them both around to break an arm and snap a leg.

Getting back up, the men tried to grab for their guns with the limbs that didnt snap in half and fly into a corner of the room.

Grinning ear to ear under the sharp armor, she activated her specalist.

Spikes molded out of her suit, and into the bodies of the men, leaving them defenseless and dead.

The cracks were so satisfying, they were almost like melodies. After spitting on them both, she got up and turned to leave, to find somewhere else to hide.

"Anger management?" He chuckled slightly.

Her heart froze for a second.

Y/Ns teeth gritted in irritation. She faced away from spectre before finaly ending this stupidity.

She ripped back the armor on her face, grabbing something on it and throwing it onto the floor. Spectre just stared at her back, watching the object hit the floor and shatter.

"No, Spec. Its just sensitivity, and sensitivity is weak."

She brought the kuda up to her head and unloaded without a single thought.


Spectre walked up to the door that read "SPIKE" on it, worriedly rapping on it with his knuckles.

The door opened, revealing a woman with a metal plate covering half her face.

Its not the first time theyve interacted looking like ghosts. Spectre walked in after given permission, before going crazy.

"What happened! Why didnt you tell me! I couldve helped!" He worriedly bombarded her with words, prompting her to giggle, and shut him up in his tracks.

"I didnt know youd be so worried."

"You are the only person i actually give a shit about, now tell me, what the fuck happened?"

"To make a long story short," she began.

"Before i joined the force, i was in a committed relationship. It didnt go well at all, and it ended up with me losing not only my eye but my dignity."

"When my ex crossed the line, not only did i kill him but i started running. Running away from my problems, like i used to run away from him. Until i ended up running away from the law,"

"And now im here."

- "and you will stay."

She looked at him, tired, yet still smiling.

"I'll keep you safe, youll be alright. Even in my arms," he pulled her in close.

"Just dont leave."

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