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The worst part of being at the WICKED compound, was the waiting. You could sit in your room for days and not be able to leave until another group came out of there maze, and I was slowly but surely, going completely and utterly insane. Locked up in a room is one thing, I dealt with that when I was thrown in the pit in my maze, but I had someone to talk to, but being locked up alone, that was just torture in itself.

The guards would slip the daily meals underneath the door, breakfast, lunch, then dinner, and the occasional snack, if Ratman was feeling generous.

Today must have been a newbie day because I was just sitting in my room staring at the ceiling when all of a sudden, three guards burst into my room.

"Get up. You are wanted in the cafeteria." 

I quickly got up wanting to get out of this god forsaken room as fast as I could. I left the room and followed the guards to the cafeteria and walked into the room. I watched as people from there maze laughed and talking to each other. 

I stood in the entrance watching them all.

They don't understand how lucky they are... They don't understand that not everybody got to keep there friends... My hands slowly formed to fists as I remembered how WICKED just sat back and watched my friends get slaughtered by the terrible grievers in the maze.

I slowly walked over to the table that I always sit at whenever newbies come. I watched as the newbies filed into the room, and sat down with a couple boys from Group D. I stared at the boys when another one then walked into the room and one of his friends got up to meet him. 

As they walked to their table. I picked at my food, not in the mood to eat. I pushed my mashed potato's from one side of my plate to the other when a guard came up from behind me and told me Jansen wanted me.

I stood up and followed the guard out of the room and into the hallway, where he was waiting for me.

I stared at him and said, "Why hello, Ratman. How has your day been?"

"Hello, Y/N. Quite well, actually. And for the millionth time, my name is Jansen."

"But it doesn't have the nice ring Ratman does. And Ratman described you better that Jansen does." I smirked as his face turned a dark shade of red as he tried to calm down.

He smiled and then said, "Y/N. Your getting some roommates. We are out of rooms for Group A and where you have an entire room to yourself, you can share." 

I glared at the man, "The only reason my room isn't full, is because you KILLED MY ENTIRE GLADE!!" I screamed the last little bit and he jumped back in surprise.

I stormed away from the man and sat back down at my table and laid my head down in the table, just wanting dinner to end.



I watched as the girl, the boys had said was the last survivor from Group C, stormed back into the cafeteria and sat down again by herself. I stared at the girl in curiosity as she laid her head down on the table looking pissed but defeated.

"What's her name?" I asked the boys that sat across from me and my friends.

"Y/N. Why?"

"No reason. Just... curious."

"Oh. Okay."


I perked my head up when I heard Ratman say, "Alright. You all know the drill. When I call your name come line up."

Don't call my name. Don't call my name.

"Barry. Walt. Edgar. Michael. Erin. Denis. Tyler. Henry. Tim. And last, but not least, David."(All names were used in the actual movie except for Michael and Tyler. I added them to fit my story and have Y/N the only girl.)

I sighed in relief as I watched the boys slowly file out of the room, when all of a sudden, one of the newbies got up and tried to leave the room with them. I quickly stood up as he tried to get past the guards. Out of pure instinct when he ran at one of the guards I ran at the newbie and pried him away from the guards. In the process of doing so, I snagged one of the key cards and slipped it into the boys hand. He looked at me confused but then went back to being angry when Jansen walked in.

"What's happening here?" He yelled as he pushed past the guards. He looked at me then at the newbie and said, "Thomas, I thought we could trust eachother."

"Hah! That'll never fuckin' happen." I whispered lightly just to be slapped by Jansen.

I looked up at the man in surprise then smirked, "That all you got, old man?" I stepped forward just to be pulled back by the boy I now knew as Thomas. I looked at him then at all of his friends and scoffed. 

"Get them to their bunks."

We were all grabbed and dragged to my -well, our room. We all walked in and the boys started claiming beds almost immediately. I growled as an Asian boy lifted himself up into the bed I had been sleeping in the entire time I have been at the WICKED compound. 

"You're in my bed." I grumbled to the boy.

"Well it's my bed now." He smirked down at me from the bed and I quickly pulled him off. 

"Listen here, you little shit!" I growled gripping the boy by the collar of his shirt. "I have been through more shit than your little pea brain can even imagine. I have been at this fucking compound for over a month, sleeping in that bed. So when I tell you something is mine, THAT MEANS IT'S MINE, DAMMIT!"

The boy looked at me in terror then raised his hands, "It's just a bed! Fine! Take it! There are so many in here anyway!" He pried himself out of my grip and hopped into another top bunk.

All the other boys stared at me like they expected me to lose my human skin and turn into a griever. I looked around at the boys.

"What? Got a staring problem?" I hopped into my bed and dangled my legs over the side of the bed and stared intently at a boy with dirty blond hair, and a heavy limp. I watched as he walked across the room choosing a bottom bunk. I watched as he laid down on the bed relaxing a bit then opening his eyes to Thomas saying, "We can't trust them."

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