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"JUDITH! FOR THE TENTH TIME! I DON'T WANT TO COME OVER FOR DINNER! I LOVE YOU! I DO! BUT I HAVE COME OVER FOR DINNER FOR THE LAST MONTH AND FRANKLY, BEN IS CREEPY!" I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "I'm sorry Judith. I am just under a lot of stress. I found out Y/N woke up last night and I am just really anxious to get her out of WICKED."

"It's okay, ma'am. I shouldn't have asked over and over again as well." I looked over at her and gave her a small smile and she smiled back. 

"I'm sorry, Judith. I really am. I didn't mean to yell. Like I said, i'm just stressed." She smiled at me and turned to return to her work.


I sat up quickly, gasping for air. My eyes stung because of the bright light in the room. I blinked quickly, trying to adjust to the light and looked around the room. I looked over to my right and saw Minho, laying in a bed.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stumbled over to his bed. I moved his hair out of his eyes and shook him, trying to wake him up. "Minho. Minho. Minho wake up. Minho." I tried to stay as quiet as I could but I was getting frustrated as to why he wasn't waking up. "Minho! Wake. Up!" I stepped away for a moment and thought. 

Ever since I met him, he has been obsessed with hair products and just his hair in general. 

I stepped back over to the bed and whispered in his ear, "I stole your hair gel, hairspray, combs, and I'm gonna shave your head bald." Before I could even stand up straight, he punched me in the face.

I stumbled back wards, my hand over my nose, and tumbling over a tray that was behind me. I screamed in pain as I landed on the floor, some surgical scissors getting lodged in my leg. Minho sat up quickly coming over to help me. "SHIT! FIRST A GOD DAMN BULLET NOW SCISSORS!" Minho stopped my angry ranting my covering my mouth and dragging me into the corner of the room, behind a large metal container. 

"minho, get your filthy hand off my face before i cut your dick off and feed it to you for breakfast!" I tried to yell at the Asian boy but it came out very muffled and quiet. He pushed his hand closer to my mouth and whispered to into my ear, "We are in the WICKED compound! Shut up!" I stopped talking and turned to look at Minho as best as I could when the door burst open.

I turned looked over at the door and was very glad we could see them but they couldn't see us because at least twelve huge, muscly men came through the door. "Sir, where are they? They wee here when I came in to check on them. They were both still unconscious."

"I don't know. But they couldn't have gotten far. You two, stay here and search the room. We'll go search the rest of the building." The two men he gestured to nodded sharply and began to move around the room. After about five minutes, I realized that one of the men was getting dangerously close to our hiding spot. I nudged Minho, gesturing to the guard and his face paled.

We started to crawl out of our hiding spot, my leg burning like hell because of the scissors, and started to make our way to another spot they had already checked across the room. We almost made it when I heard one of the guards yell, "There!" I heard a small gunshot and looked ahead of me to see Minho writhing on the floor, his body engulfed in electricity. "MINHO!" I stood up to run to him but immediately fell due to the scissors and getting hit by one of the same electricity bullets as Minho.



"Sorry about that. Back there." I paused and looked out at the distance, making my descision I pulled my left sleeve up, revealing black vain's, hinting that I have the flare. "Guess I can't hide this, anymore." Thomas crouched down next to me and responded, grief lacing his voice, "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Didn't think it make any difference." I looked over at my friend who's expression was obviously some form of sadness and looked back out at the horizon. "All I know is that WICKED must have put me in that maze for a reason. Maybe it was literally just to tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me." I looked back at Thomas, waiting for his response but I couldn't help but scoff at it. 

"You know we can still fix this, Newt. Okay we can." I looked back at the horizon and thought for a moment before looking down at the black vain's webbing up my arm and spoke, "Did I ever tell you about, when I broke my leg?" I looked back making eye contact with Thomas as I memory replayed in my head. "Way back in the maze, I'd just come up in the box, like all the other guys. Didn't know where I was, didn't know who I was. Even though all my memories were gone I could still feel, that something was missing. You know? I felt empty. I- I- I just couldn't handle that, couldn't take it. So one morning I- I got up early, and I snuck out into the maze, and I went and found the tallest wall I could. I climbed up there and, I jumped off it." I heard Thomas' breath hitch from behind me but I kept going. "Course I got completely tangled up in all the ivy, snapped my leg in three different place, like a proper shank." I chuckled lightly earning one from Thomas as well and continued, "I landed hard on the floor. I thought that was it. 'N then Minho found me. Somehow, and he picked me up and took me back to the glade." I looked back at Thomas who staring extremely hard at me, "And we never told anyone the truth about what happened. He saved me, he gave me a second chance, now he and Y/N need us. So if there is even the slightest chance that we can save them, that we can get them out of there then we have to take that."

Thomas nodded slightly then stopped, "Why are you so determined to save Y/N as well?" I looked down at my hands and then back at him. "Because the moment I met her, she made me feel whole. I didn't feel... empty, anymore. I felt like me." 

Thomas came over to the edge of the roof and sat next to me. We're gonna get them back. I promise." 

I'M SORRY!! I really am. But I had to make my reader cry. It's one of the top five rules as a writer. Thanks for reading!!
Love ya, Shanks!

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