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We stared at the girl and she stared back. "You guys look like shit." She looks at me and her tough exterior falters, but doesn't break. She looks away from me and then addresses the entire group, "Come on." She turned around and started to walk away. Nobody moved. She noticed this and turned around to look at us, "Unless you wanna stay here with them." 

She gestured towards all of the cranks. I sighed and used Newts shoulder as a base and stood up, only putting weight on my good leg. I allowed Newt to stand up and then wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up, one arm under my legs and the other on my upper back. 

As we followed the girl further into the building, I looked at each of the cranks. I noticed the insanity that was glinting in their eyes, the open and oozing blisters, the missing chunks of flesh... I shuddered and closed my eyes tightly. 

Newt noticed this and pulled me closer into his chest. I opened my eyes when the inhuman screams of the cranks faded away. I looked around the room and saw at least 30 men. I noticed a boy that looked around my age staring at me, not in a curious way like most of the people, but how a lion looks at its prey. I buried my face into Newts neck and hugged him tighter. 

I pulled my head away to look forward when I heard a door slide open. She lead us into a room and we saw a man sitting at his desk in front of a device. He stood up and turned around, leaning against his table.

"You ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?" He paused and walked forward, grabbing a drink that was set on another table, "Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" He stared at us all. When no one answered, he took another step forward, "Don't all answer at once."

Thomas was the first to speak, "We're headed for the mountains. We're looking for the Right Arm."

We heard as laughter rippled throughout the room, "You're looking for ghosts you mean." He took a drink from his cup and walked towards Thomas, his eyes jumping from boy to boy. His eyes stopped on Newt for a moment as he looked at me, then at my leg, then back at Thomas. "Question number two. Where, do you come from?" Minho then stood next to Thomas, "That's our business." 

The man looked at him and then shrugged and I was grabbed out of Newts arms and dragged over to him. One of the men kicked my injured leg and I screamed in agony as my hand darted to the bullet wound and I fell to my knees. "Y/N!!" I turned to see Newt struggling against one of the men holding him back. 

I looked back at the man who was now standing over me. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and shoved my face down, leaving the back of my neck exposed. I felt as cool air was blown onto my neck and then heard a small beeping noise. 

The girl chuckled lightly, "You were right." The man let my hair go allowing me to pull my head up to look at the man. My face was twisted in pain as the ache in my leg was getting stronger and stronger. He was holding  a small device and he looked down at me, "Sorry, hermana y  hermanos. You've been tagged. You, came from WICKED. Which means..." He leaned in close to my face, allowing me to smell his horrid breath as he spoke again, "You're very, valuable."


I groaned and tried harder to reach the rope tied around my feet. The pain in my leg was steadly growing worse to do hanging upside down. 

"Let's hear the man out. Great plan, Thomas."

"Shut up, Minho." 

I looked around the room, trying to think of a way to get out when the man from earlier walked in. He started to talk to Thomas, most of it I couldn't make out because of my leg and the blood rushing to my head. "Tell me what you know about the Right Arm. Then maybe we can talk."

"I thought you said they were ghosts."

The man smiled, "I happen to believe in ghosts."

"We don't know much."

The man pulled a lever that was connected to the ropes tied around our ankles. We all went down a few inches before we were jerked to a stop. I screamed, feeling the ache in my leg get worse. Newt looked at me worried and then at Thomas. 

"There in the mountains!"

Another man walked into the room and addressed the one who was talking to Thomas, "Jorge. What are you doing?"

"Oh... me and my new friends were just getting acquainted. We're done now." Jorge and the other man left the room. I looked at the lever and an idea popped into my mind. "Minho. Swing me over to the lever."

"Y/N, this isn't time for games."

"Minho. My leg hurts like hell and I am hanging upside down over a huge hole. I'M NOT FUCKING PLAYING GAMES!!" He noticeably flinched and grabbed my arm, "Okay. Okay. Alright. Sorry." He pulled me towards him and then pushed me as hard as he could away from him. I reached my arms out, trying to grab a bar near the lever but was just a couple inches off. I swung back towards the boys and was grabbed by Thomas and Minho and they pushed me towards the lever again.

I grabbed the bar next to it and pulled the lever slightly, lowering myself to the ground. I untied my self and grabbed a long pole and started to pull the boys in, hopping around the hole on one foot. When Minho was the last one hanging, I just smiled and stared at the boy. "OI! Pull me in ya shank!!" 

I scoffed at him as he hung there, "Hmm. I don't think I will." Newt came up to me and placed his and on my shoulder and took the pole out of my hands. He pulled Minho in and he shot me a glare as he untied his ankles. I turned and was then picked up by Newt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to support some of my weight. When Minho was standing, we all got up to go. When we were about to leave the room, the man who had come in to talk to Jorge earlier stopped us. 

"I got 'em, Jansen. I'm bringing them down. Don't shoot."

He held up a gun and pointed it directly at Thomas and a gunshot rang through the air. I looked over to where Thomas stood, expecting him to crumple down in a pool of blood. Instead he stood there looking as shocked as the rest of the boys. "Come on." I looked forward to see the girl who had saved us earlier from their, 'guard dogs', holding a gun with the man laying on his stomach, blood around his head. When nobody followed she turned towards us more desperately. "COME! ON!" 

Newt started to move towards her and I buried my face into his neck. The pain in my leg was getting to the point where it was unbearable. I tried to stop the tears as he ran. I popped my head up when I heard the sound of Jansen's voice, "Good evening. This is the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. We have the place surrounded."

As we ran, a song began to play, echoing throughout the building.

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