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I woke up to Thomas yelling at a bird to get out of our food.

I groaned and slowly sat up. I looked around and saw Winston's stomach slowly rise and fall, sweat falling down his face. I frowned and turned my attention away and Newt and Y/N caught my eye. 

My frown slowly formed into a smirk and I nudged Thomas who was sitting next to me and gestured to the two. He snickered, "Looks like Newts got himself a girlfriend."


All the boys slowly began to wake up and pack the bags that they had grabbed the night before. 

Thomas grabbed two long poles and stretched a blanket/sheet in-between them, creating a makeshift stretcher. He brought it over to Newt who laid Y/N (STILL PASSED OUT FROM BLOOD LOSS) on it. Newt and Minho then grabbed the edges of the stretcher and began to pull Y/N up a sand hill. 

When they reached the top, Thomas spoke.

"There's the mountains, that's gotta be it. That's got to be where the Right Arm is."
Newt looked at Thomas confused. "Where the what is?"
"The Right Arm. I heard someone at WICKED say something about them. Something about how they got out a bunch more kids out of there and are ruining their plans."
"People?  In the mountains? Mountain people?"
"Well, I mean-"

Before Thomas could finish speaking, Winston collapsed, falling down the hill. 

"WINSTON!" All the boys rushed to the boys side as he struggled to breathe. Thomas turned to Newt with an apologetic expression and Newt nodded. 

He placed the stretcher down and picked up the girl in it. He looked down at her features, her s/c skin, l/c/h hair. He marveled at how one girl could be so beautiful. He stared at the girl in his arms in awe until he heard someone clear their throat. 

He raised his head to see Minho and Thomas smirking at him. 

"Slim it, slintheads."

They both let out a low chuckle and then picked up the stretcher that Winston was laid on.

Once again, they were on the move.


I ran down the hall, trying to get away from the WICKED operative coming towards me. I turned a corner and ran into Ranger. 

I wrapped my arms around him, shocked he wrapped his arms around me tightly. He pulled away looking worried, "Y/N, what's wrong?" I looked at my older brother in tears, "They're sending me into the maze, Ranger." 

I gripped his shirt and my body was heaving due to my heavy sobs. I heard as the doctor rounded the corner and Ranger pushed me behind him, standing in front of me protectively. 

The doctor calmly said to my brother, "C18. Please get out of my way. C19 is being sent into the maze."

"Her name is Y/N." He growled. He took a glance at me cowering behind him. "Y/N... go find Kai." I nodded and ran as fast as I could to find my twin. 

I finally found him leaving the gym and crashed into him. He stumbled back a little bit in surprise, then hugged me and chuckled. "I was just in the gym, Y/N. Why did you do that?" He pulled away with his hands on my shoulder, looking at my tear stained face. His smile slowly faded and he whispered to me in disbelief, "No." 

I looked up at my brother and  slowly nodded. He hugged me tightly, whispering in my ear, "No. I won't let them. I'll hide you in my room. I'll bring you food everyday and you will be safe." His tears leaked into my hair as we heard guards getting closer and closer.

"You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine." I was ripped out of my brother arms and lifted off the ground. I screamed and struggled against them. I felt someone grab my arms and try and pull me way from them.

I opened my eyes and saw Kai and Ranger trying to pull me away from the guard. "Ranger!! Don't let them take me!! Kai! Help me!!" I screamed for help as more guards came and pulled my brothers away from me. 

"Y/N!! Y/N!! NO!! DON'T HURT HER! Y/N!! WE'LL FIND YOU!! REMEMBER US! REMEM-" My brothers screams were cut off by a door closing. I was strapped down to a bed as I continued to struggle but stopped when Ava Paige walked in. "YOU BITCH!!" I screamed. "YOU LYING SON OF A BITCH! GO TO HELL!"

I  continued to scream insults at the woman but was cut off when a needle entered my arm, making me feel dizzy. My eyes drooped and I slowly fell unconscious. 

I sat up quickly, panting and then groaned, falling back one more. I looked around the room and saw boys scattered around the room. I looked down at my leg, dreading to see what it looked like. I unwrapped the strip of cotton one of the boys had wrapped around my leg and pulled down my pants, revealing the bullet wound. I had dried blood around it and looked infected. 

I grimaced and immediately knew that the bullet was still in my leg. It looked purple and swollen. I pulled my pants back up and put re wrapped the cotton around it. I laid back down and realized that I was laying next to Newt. I blushed and cuddled into his chest. He stirred slightly then fell back asleep.

I smiled into his chest then fell asleep. 


I woke up to a gun shot. My eyes shot open and I looked over and saw Winston laying on the ground.

"Hey! Thomas! Get down here!"

"Winston, what are you doin', man?"

Thomas ran down the mountain towards us. I turned back to look at Winston and felt as a tear left my eye. 1- Winston tried to kill himself, and 2- My leg hurt really shucking bad.

"What happened!?"

"I-I don't know he just woke up and grabbed the gun and he tried to-" Frypan stopped talking, still traumatized by what just happened. 

When Thomas leaned down to ask the boy if he was okay, Winston threw up a black sludge sort of substance. When he finished, he rolled over onto his back, panting heavily. He looked at Thomas then lifted his shirt up slightly, "It's growing, inside me." He laid his head down back onto the sand and looked up at his friends. "I'm not gonna make it." He reached his out towards the boys pleadingly. "Please. Don't let let me turn into one of those things."

The boys all stared at Winston sadly before Newt grabbed the gun from Frypan's hand, nodding at the boy. He walked over to Winston and placed the gun in his hand. "Thank you. Now, get outta here." 

Newt managed to get out two words, "Goodbye, Winston." He stood up and walked over to me and picked me up not even realizing I was awake. 

I didn't say anything and just let him carry me. We started to walk away from the small camp and started to move. We traveled over a small hill but stopped when a gunshot rang through the air. I flinched at the sound. Newt didn't even realize and he shut his eyes, a single tear escaping his closed eyes. 

After a couple of minutes, they all continued to walk. I closed my eyes slowly. Allowing sleep to cover me like a dark blanket.

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