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"Is she awake yet?"

"No ma'am. She is still asleep."

"Okay. I want to be informed the second she wakes up."

Nodding her head, my assistant started to walk away, "Oh, and Judith?" She turned to face me, "Say hello to your little ones for me?" She smiled and walked out of my office. I turned back to the large window that was facing the WICKED building, "I'm coming, Y/N."


I hissed when the scientist stuck what had to have the tenth needle into my arm. I struggled against the restraints, "GET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN BED!" The scientist pulled the needle out of my arm and placed it on a tray. She pulled her mask down and smiled lightly at me before getting up and leaving the room.

I watched as she walked out.

What the hell? Why did she just smile then leave? Whatever. I need to get out of this bed.

I looked down at the leather restraints to see if they had any weak spots when the same scientist from just a second ago came back into the room. She was dragging another bed behind her and laying on the bed passed out, was Y/N. 

My eyes widened at the sight of the h/c girl, (Brunette, blonde, ginger, things like that) and struggled even harder. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I felt anger begin to build inside me when the scientist stuck a needle into her arm. "GET THAT DAMN NEEDLE OUT OF HER ARM!" 

I heard her sigh as she stood up and yelled, "SECURITY! SEDATE HIM, PLEASE!" I watched as two large, muscular men walked into room, one of them was holding a needle, the other, a gun. I struggled as the man holding the needle held my arm still and stuck the needle into my arm, injecting the clear liquid into my arm. He pulled the needle out and walked out of the room as the drug began to work. My words were very slurred but I managed to get out, "I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna kill everyone in WICKED." My vision blurred and the last thing I remember was the scientist chuckling.


I hadn't slept in days. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her face. I know I should most likely be always thinking of Minho as well but, all I can think of is Y/N. The girl, who according to Minho, used to be my girlfriend. The girl I had lost to WICKED. The girl I couldn't save. 

"I DON'T CARE! WE ARE GOING TO GO AND SAVE THEM!" I snapped back to reality and looked up at Thomas who was staring daggers at Vince. They had been at it for hours. Arguing about whether or not we were going to go and save Y/N and Minho. Vince saying we should leave, Thomas arguing against it. It was getting on my nerves to be honest. 

I took a step forward, "Do you really want to save them, Tommy?" He turned towards me, visibly confused, "What?" I took another step forward, "Do you really want to save them?"

"O-of course I do. They're my friends." I took another step forward.

What the hell am I doing? Stop it, Newt! Stop! Of course he wants to save them! Stop moving! Stop talking!

"Then why didn't you save Minho when he was getting dragged away? Or Y/N when she was shot?"

I couldn't get to them. If I had tried they still would've been taken." I scoffed, "Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit." 

"Newt, I want to save them just as much as you do. I promise I do." Before I could stop myself, I had Thomas pinned up against the wall screaming, "DON'T LIE TO ME! DON'T. LIE. TO ME."

I felt as the anger slowly melted away and I pulled away, "Sorry. I-I'm sorry." I slowly walked out of the room. I stepped out onto the roof of the building and sat down, taking a deep breathe and relaxing. I turned my head when I heard footsteps, I turned and saw Thomas walking towards me.


I ran from the griever that was chasing me from behind. I had been a runner for almost a month now and this is already the third one I have encountered. 

I cursed under my breath as I hit yet another dead end. I turned around to see not one, but three grievers. I analyzed the walls and where the grievers were standing and waited for the creatures to make the first move. 

I stood there, my back to the wall, my gaze locked on the grievers when the one in the middle made a move towards me, the others soon following. I smiled to myself and ran at the one in the middle, sliding under it when it jabbed one of its metallic claws at me. 

I stood up and watched as its claw lodged itself into the wall. I turned to see the other two grievers running at me and I ran at the wall. I climbed to a decent height and waited for the grievers to follow but when they didn't, I began to wonder why. 

That's when I heard the clicking and whirring from above. I slowly directed my attention up and saw another griever above me. "SHIT!" I jumped off the wall, landing a few feet away from one the creatures and ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran around a corner and saw Kai running his route as always. "KAI! KAI! KAI! RUN!" 

Hearing my screams, he turned and stopped running, a confused expression plastered on his face. It immediately changed when the grievers rounded the corner from behind me. "Y/N! COME ON! FOLLOW ME!" Right, left, straight, right, right, no matter which way we went, the grivers were close behind. 

After about an hour of constant running, the sounds of the grievers, came to a stop. However, we did not. The silence actually caused us to run faster. Kai led me down a corridor and to a wall. He pulled the vines away to reveal a large missing piece of concrete in the wall, just big enough for two people. I crawled into the pocket behind Kai. 

Right as we were adjusted into a comfortable, not to awkward position, the grievers came from around the corner. They looked around for what felt like hours when we heard he scraping of concrete on concrete in the distance. I felt Kai tense up from behind me and I knew he knew, it was going to be a long night.

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