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My body hit the water and I felt like I was being crushed. I struggled to the surface but as soon as I did, I took a huge gulp of air and was pulled over to the side of the water by Newt. He helped me get out and I stood up, immediately noticing the searing pain in my side. 

When Newt was helping Thomas and Minho out I checked my torso and realized it had spread farther, reaching my breasts. I put my shirt back down when I heard guns cock from behind me. I stood up and Newt came to stand next to me. One of the guards took a step forward, "Hands in the air." I slowly rose my hands in the air and the guard took another step forward when gun shots filled the air.

I immediately ducked and covered my ears, Newts arm wrapped around my shoulder. I slowly stood up when the gun shots ceased and looked over at the guards. They were at least ten standing there, now there was only one that wasn't on the ground writhing in pain, engulfed in electricity. I stared at him as he pulled off his mask, revealing a boy I had never seen in my life but the only thing I noticed, was his freaky ass eyebrows.

"Gally." I turned to Thomas who was standing out of the water, wringing his shirt out and Minho caught my eye. He was using his reflection in the pool as a mirror and restyling his hair. I scoffed and turned back to Gally. He walked towards me and asked, "Are you okay?" Confused and unsure of his motives I responded, "Don't worry about me, worry about your eyebrows!" 

His freaky eyebrows raised and his fists clenched, "Are. You. O.K?" I nodded and scooted closer to Newt, feeling more comfortable near him than 'freaky brows'- whatever his name was.

We started to go and find Brenda who had apparently helped a bunch of kids get out when I tripped over my feet. I landed hard on the ground and the force caused me to throw up the same black sludge that I had witnessed Winston regurgitate. I wiped my mouth and leaned up against the building we were by. I knew everyone was watching me but I didn't care. I lifted up my shirt and saw the black and purple veins were webbing down my leg and I could feel them on my neck.

I looked up at Newt, Thomas, and Minho who were all staring at my stomach. I raised my arms weakly and squeaked, "Surprise." Minho was the first to speak, "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I COULD HAVE HELPED YOU!" 

I stood up, mustering up as much strength as I could and pushed it into my legs and walked to Minho, my index finger pointed at him, "Oh? And what could've you done? Told me it was going to be okay? Told me we'll get out eventually? There was nothing you could've done to fix my goddamn problem! Nothing! GOT IT!" I jumped at him and he fell back wards. 

I felt the anger which had built up fade away along with the strength that had kept me walking and I fell to the ground, puking again. Newt came over to me and leaned me up against the building I was lent up against earlier.

He knelt down next to me and ran his fingers through my hair, untangling knots as he went through it. I let out a shaky breath and grabbed his wrist and whispered to him, "Go... Please Newt. Go and get to the safe haven. Save yourself." I watched as a single tear trickled down his face and he stood up. He turned to Gally, "Go find Jorge and have them bring the berg here. I want her on that berg or I am not getting on." 

He nodded and ran off. I was quite surprised at how fast he was seeing how huge his build was. Newt turned back to me, "Just hang on okay. Please don't leave me." My eyes were tearing up, I knew that, "Newt I-" Before I could finish, he pressed his lips onto mine. I felt as fire works exploded inside me and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach as I kissed back. My hand weaved its way up to his hair, getting entangled into his dirty blonde hair. He pulled away first, resting his forehead on mine before pecking my lips, "I'll be back, I promise." 

He stood up quickly and started to run with Thomas and Minho. I raised my hands to my lips and smiled.

He kissed me...


I ran after Thomas, my mind racing. 

She has the flare. She is dying. I need to get her the cure. I kissed her. She- HOLY SHIT I KISSED HER!


I tried to stop my body from moving, stop it from jumping at my friend and attacking him. We rolled around for a moment before I ended up on top of him. I regained control of my body and stared at my friend, panting. "I'm sorry, Tommy." I grabbed my gun and cocked it, placing it to my temple, my finger on the trigger. I pulled it but didn't die as the bullet went somewhere else when Thomas knocked it away, "NO!". 

I felt as the control I once had slowly faded away as insanity and anger took its place. I let out a distorted scream and attacked him once again. He kicked me off of him and I rolled away. Pulling a knife out, I stood up and charged him, swinging the knife continuously. I fought against my flailing limbs, trying to stop them from swinging it towards Thomas. 

I had one last burst of energy and I ran at Thomas, smashing my body against his and felt a sharp pain in my chest. I choked on my oxygen as Thomas pulled away slightly for us both to see the knife sticking out of my chest. "T-Tommy." I staggered back as my body weakened. "Nononononono." He ran towards me and carefully laid me down on the concrete. I felt as the energy slowly left my body. I got one last glimpse of my best friend, before the world went dark.

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