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"Okay. Keep your heads down. People around these parts aren't very fond of munies." I lowered my head down and continued to walk behind Jorge. We were walking down one of the streets when we heard Thomas and Brenda in an ally. "Listen. We don't want any trouble."

"We want you to come to our party though."

"No thanks." Brenda had a sort of darkness to her voice that made me like the girl even more.

"Oh, sweetie. When you are invited to these kind of parties, you don't refuse."

I peaked my head around the corner and saw them cornered against a building by two people, a man and a woman. Newt tried to shove past me but I stopped him and pointed to the strangers. The man was holding a gun and the woman, a wrench. 

We moved around to the other side of the building as the two strangers led our friends away. I looked at Jorge expecting him to charge the strangers but he just watched as they walked away. "Okay. We will go in and get them in the morning."

"Well we can't just leave them in a building filled with cranks." I looked over to Newt. He kinda had a point. "Well we can't just barge in there either. I guess we could send someone in..."

I raised my hand quickly, "I'll do it!" Newt grabbed my shoulder, "Yeah, no. Not happening." I shrugged his hand off and glared at him. "And when did you decide that you would determine what I do and don't do." 

"I never did. I just don't want you getting hurt." 

I took a couple of steps away from him, "I don't want to get hurt either but I can't just stand back and watch everyone else get hurt." I averted my gaze from him to the ground and mumbled quietly, "Last time I did that, my friends were killed...." 

I looked at Newt and felt tears building, "I need to do this." 

I turned around and walked towards the building that Thomas and Brenda had entered earlier. When I got to the entrance, I was stopped by a man with a large, brown, jacket. He had blonde hair and did not look appealing. "Whoa, there. How can I help you, young lady?"

I smiled slightly, "Oh. My friends just walked in there and I just came to get them. Dinner is ready. You know?" I tried to get past him to enter the building again but he stopped me once more. He pushed me away from the door lightly and held out a small bottle to me. "The price of admission." He gave me a small smile and I hesitantly took the bottle from his hand. I took a small drink and swallowed, it burned and tasted like ass but I drank. I tried to hand it back but he pushed it back to me. "All of it." 

I slowly brought the bottle back to my lips and tipped it all the way up. I downed the rest of it and pulled it away from my face, gagging. I handed the bottle back and he stepped out of the way of the entrance. As I walked by he grabbed my arm and whispered, "Enjoy yourself. We only live once." I smiled lightly and walked into the building.

As soon as I stepped through the door, I was greeted with music, lights, people, and the smell of alcohol. I walked forward and pushed past a couple of people who were dancing wildly. As I walked, I began to feel like I was floating, like I wasn't on the ground anymore. I giggled lightly, I liked it. My vision flooded with white dots and I fell onto the floor giggling. I stood back up and pushed through the crowd. 

I walked further into the room and saw Thomas and Brenda kissing. I frowned slightly and tried to get over to them but was stopped when two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I giggled as the stranger shoved their face into my neck. I turned around and was greeted with the face of a rather attractive boy. I smiled a big toothy grin and he smiled back. Surprisingly, his teeth weren't yellow and he didn't look sick at all.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his chest. I smiled as he brought me over to a couch on the far right of the room. He sat down and placed me down on his lap, straddling him. I tried to stand up but he pulled back down. "You're really pretty you know." 

He moved my hair out of my face and smiled at me. I smiled back and tried to get up again. "Whoa. Whoa. That eager to get away from me?" He put his hand on his chest and acted offended. I giggled and placed my hands on his neck. He rested his chin in the middle of my chest, a little higher than my breasts. 

He kissed my chin lightly as his hands moved up and down my back. I smiled and looked down at him. I giggled as he stuck his tongue out at me. My smile slowly faded as he closed the space between our faces. I tried to pull away from the kiss but he pulled me closer. He smiled into the kiss and I melted into it. 

I heard a small voice in the back of my mind telling me to get out of there but I ignored it, deepening the kiss. I stood up after about a minute and a half and smiled at the boy. I sat down next to him and laid my head down in his lap. I closed my eyes slightly and let darkness fold over me.


I woke up with a strong pounding in my head. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I heard my name being yelled from upstairs. I looked around and noticed the boy next to me. I scrambled to my feet and stared at him. He looked vaguely familiar. I racked my brain for the thoughts when I remembered him from when me and the boys first met Jorge. 

It's the boy who was staring at me.

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