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I crawled behind Aris through the vents with Thomas right behind me. (he insisted on coming) We entered a large area in the vents with a singular grate where you can see the door. We crawled over to the grate to see if anyone was there then dropped down out of it. We walked towards the door and I unlocked it with the card. As we stepped inside, we saw behind a glass window, two bodies on tables. 

I shuddered as we walked farther into the room. We walked into another room and saw hundreds of teenager hanging from the ceiling from tubes like puppets. My eyes bounced from teen to teen but stopped when they landed on someone I knew.

I covered my mouth as tears streamed down my face. "Ranger... Oh my god... That's Ranger." I slowly walked towards his body and brushed his dirty blond hair out of his face and the tears came down even faster. I looked to the boy next to him and recognized him as Kai. I looked down the line and realized that they were all here. Every. Last. One of them.

"Theo. Sorren. Asher. Leo. Oliver. Jasper. They're all here. They're all here." I backed away from Kai and looked at the boys. "They're all here."


I stumbled into the room after standing up out of the vent, tears still streaming down my face. "They were all there."

Newt grabbed my shoulders, "Who? Who were all there?" I looked up at the boy, "My glade. My family. My friends. My... my brothers. They were all there." I dropped my eyes to the floor and was shocked when Newt pulled me in for a hug. I quickly hugged him back. I turned around to see Thomas barricading the doors with anything he could find.

"That's not gonna do anything." I wiped the tears off my face and cleared my throat. I sounded more confident and sure of myself when I said, "They are gonna get in. You could put the whole fucking earth in front of that door and they will still get in."
"Why are you doing that anyway?" Newt asked as he stepped away from me. "What did you see?"

As he explained, I saw the sunken faces of my friends again flash across my eyes, saw them hanging from the ceiling like rag dolls and lost my cool again and broke down sobbing. Some of the boys looked sympathetic, others shocked, and the rest just down right terrified.

I heard guards banging on the door and Jansen yelling for us to let them in. I panicked and ran over to the vent and started motioning for the boys to follow me. Newt, Minho, and Aris were the first to come over, Newt ushering others in and Aris and Minho hot on my tail as I led them into the vent. I crawled out of the vents at the first grate, leading us into an empty hallway. 

I watched the hallway making sure nobody was coming as Group A crawled out behind me. I knew that was everyone when Newt came out. I started to run down the hallway wanting to get the hell out of there when I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I screamed as I fell to the ground. I gripped my leg, trying to stop the bleeding. I looked over to see who had shot me and saw Ratman standing there with a smoking pistol.

He smiled as Newt ran towards me helping me up. I hissed in pain as they tried to retreat the other way. I looked back to see a bunch of guards running towards us. 


Sry this is so choppy and short. I don't really have a plan for it and am just throwing it together as I go.

Hope ya'll like it though!!^-^

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