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I held the knife to the boys throat and asked again, "Where am I!?" One of the boys took a small step forward, "You're in the Glade." I cocked my head to the side and loosened my grip on the boy. "Glade?"

"Yeah. The glade. If you let Theo go, I can show you." I slowly moved the knife away from the boys neck and he scrambled up out of the metal box, his hand on his throat. I kept my eyes on the boy in front of me as he took another cautious step forward. He slowly reached out and took the knife from hand and then stood up straight.

"Gave us quite a scare there, Drifter." 


"It's what we call new comers. It's basically another word for newbie."

I gave him a small nod and he helped me up out of the metal box. I looked around and saw four giant walls creating sort of a border around the Glade. I turned slightly and saw a large opening in one of the walls.

A way out.

"Alright shanks, get back to work." All the boys groaned and started to walk away. I saw a large opening in the group of boys and darted for the gap in the wall.

I heard people yelling 'drifter' from behind me as I ran towards the opening. I looked to my right and saw a large boy running at me. As soon as he reached me I slid underneath him as he had jumped to try and tackle me. I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran further into the gap. I made a sharp left, then right. I slowed down and looked around, trying to figure out where I was when I was tackled from behind. 

I groaned as my face smacked on the stone floor, "You shouldn't have ran." I slowly closed my eyes and everything went black.


I woke up on a makeshift bed in a small room made out of sticks. I groaned as I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I hopped off the bed and slipped on my boots that were next to the bed. I walked out of the room and was immediately blinded by the sun. I held my arm up and allowed my eyes to adjust to the brightness. When I adjusted, I started to walk around the glade. I walked towards the gap in the wall but felt someone wrap their arms around my waste and began to carry me. 

I screamed, kicked, and hit at the person but there was no avail. I was thrown into a small room with wooden bars and the person leaned up close to them. He had dark, brown, eyes, a cocky smile, and blonde hair. "One night in the guardhouse, shank." 


I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a couple times then realized I was sitting on somebodies lap. I looked forward pulled away from their neck and my gaze was locked with Newts. He smiled lightly and pushed some loose hair behind my ear. "Hey... How was your sleep?" I giggled a little bit, still feeling loopy because of the intoxicating drink. 

"Your hair is so fluffy, Lizaaarrrdd~" He gave me a questioning look. "It's even prettier than Min Min's. And Min Min's hair is really pretty. Your hair is really, really, really, really, really, REALLY, pretty." 

Chuckling, he played with the ends of my h/l hair. "Go back to sleep, love." I yawned, realizing how tired I actually was and buried my face into his neck, slowly closing my eyes, drowning into the intoxicating smell of Newt. I smiled to myself and allowed myself to fall asleep.


I smiled as Y/N laid her head back onto Newts shoulder as her small snores resumed. They were perfect for each other and they just met. I laid back in my seat and twiddled with my thumbs, remembering the dream I had a little while back.

What bargain had I made with WICKED?

I brought my arms up behind my head and fell asleep. 


"Thomas. What bargain?" I slowly lifted my head choked out, "The bargain that she wouldn't be sent into the maze, and..... and....... would instead get the cure. She isn't immune and if she gets out.... they're gonna kick her out of the facility. They're gonna kill her."

I sat up quickly to hear someone screaming my name. I sat up and gasped for air. The truck was still moving and Minho was kneeling next to me as was Fry, each with the same worried expression. "Are you all right, man? You kept screaming, 'They're gonna kill her' over and over again." 

I nodded my head lightly and told them about my last two dream thingies. The only thing that let me know they hadn't fallen asleep with their eyes open was the occasional nod. "Okay. We're not gonna tell Newt.... He would freak out." I looked at Minho who looked deep in thought and nudged him. He looked up and gave me a light smile.

"I agree with Fry. If Newt found out that Y/N wasn't immune, when I tell you the shank would explode... I'm not kidding." 

I chuckled lightly and looked up at my friend who was asleep with Y/N still on his lap. I smiled lightly and leaned back, relaxing a bit.


I sat next to Minho, pretending to be asleep yet I heard every word. 

Y/N is not immune, Newt can't know, and somehow, Y/N survived when they were supposed to kill her when she got out of her, 'maze.' Whatever that is. When the boys fell asleep again, I pulled out my locket that had a picture of George, my brother.

We had been taken when he was five and I was four. They ran test after test after test and when I was about ten and he was eleven, they decided that he was useful, and I was not. They kicked me out and I somehow managed to survive for a year before Jorge found me.

I miss my brother but I know dwelling on the past won't lead to anything. For all I know, he could still be alive. 

But like he always said, "Don't raise your own or others hopes when you don't know for a fact, that you are right." I sighed as I put the locket back into my pocket and pulled up my pant leg, revealing the bite mark from the crank I battled the other day. I sucked my teeth and covered it back up, hoping to get to the Right Arm in time to get help.

Ahem... sry for that. My crush just asked me out and I am still exited. It is five in the morning and his exact words were, "Hey. r u busy sat? If not, wanna got 2 the movies w/me?" 

It's five am in the god damn morning and he sends a text like this?! How does he expect me to get to sleep now!! He's still adorable though and I obviously said yes like who doesn't say yes wh- Sry im rambling. 

Sry this chapter took so long to come out, my History teacher hates me and homework has been kicking my ass. Well, hope ya'll like it.


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