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PLAY THE MUSIC AS YOU READ. READ SLOW!! You most likely will finish the part of when the song is playing before the song ends so at that part just kinda jam to the music or pause it and continue reading.

Newt ran up stairs holding me, trying to stay caught up to the girl. "Brenda! Hurry! We don't have much time. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" I looked away from the speaker and turned my head towards Jorge who was now leading us towards a large window. "Right this way." He grunted as he pushed it open, revealing a zip-line going to another building. 

"Oh you gotta be kiddin' me." I looked over at Fry who was staring at the zip-line like it was going to snap right then and there. "Plan B, Hermano. You kids want to get to Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me." He pulled down a piece of fabric and jumped, yelling to us as he went, "FOLLOW ME!" I let go of Newts neck as he tied the fabric around my waist and pushed me away from him. I screamed as I crashed into Minho who had gone before me. He quickly untied me, lowering me from the zip-line and moved me out of the way a split second before Newt came flying into the building.

I turned around to him and felt as Minho picked me up. We waited for Thomas and Brenda to come down but they never did. "ARIS!! WHERE IS TOMMY?" I turned my head away from the building in front of us and turned to Newt who had Aris pinned up against a wall. "I-I-I don't know! H-h-he was right behind me." 

We stared at the zip-line for a little while longer when all of a sudden, the building started to explode. I screamed and felt someone cover my mouth. I turned and saw Jorge holding his hand to my face. He motioned for me to be quiet and pointed to a helicopter.

I nodded my head slowly and he uncovered my mouth. "What happened? Why did the building explode? Are Thomas and Brenda dead?" Jorge just told me to be quiet and we moved deeper into the building. He led us out a door and into a small bunker near the building. As we entered the small room, I turned towards Jorge. "Answer my questions. Now." He chuckled and sighed as he sat down on a chair next to a table. 

"The building exploded because the song that was playing was rigged. As soon as it ended, it set off a bunch of explosive devices. And no, Brenda and your friend are not dead. Brenda knows the tunnels underneath that building better than she knows me." I nodded my head and Minho set me down on the floor. When he went to move a way his foot bumped my leg and I hissed at the contact. 

I untied the cotton around my leg and pulled down my pants to get a good view of the wound. (SHE HAS SHORTS ON UNDERNEATH HER PANTS.) I sucked my teeth as the denim brushed my gunshot wound. I pooled my jeans at my feet and tilted my leg to see where the bullet pierced my leg. I was swollen, purple, and definitely infected. Jorge averted his eyes away from his drink and almost choked on it when he saw my leg. He swallowed and asked very concerned, "What the hell happened." I brushed my hand over the wound and hissed in pain as my hand made contact with it.

"Remind me not to touch it." Newt looked at the man and growled, "WICKED happened. Jansen shot her when we were escaping." I looked up and looked at Jorge who had pulled out a knife and was heating it up over a lighter. "What are you doing?" He lightly touched the knife and flinched at the heat. 

"The bullet is still in your leg, correct?" I nodded, wondering where he was going with this. He walked towards me and leaned down next to me. "We need to get it out." He motioned for Newt to come over and he grabbed my hand, "I want you squeeze as hard as you possibly can when it hurts. Okay?" I nodded slightly as Jorge placed a stick in my mouth for me to bite down on. "Sorry, Hermana. This is gonna hurt like hell." He placed his hand on my leg and placed the knife on my leg.


I immediately regretted telling Y/N to squeeze as hard as she could because it hurts like hell. She was struggling and trying extremely hard to get out of Jorge's grip. "HOLD HER DOWN! HOLD HER DOWN OR I'M GONNA CUT HER DAMN LEG OFF!" 

I quickly moved on top of her and laid on her chest, holding the upper part of her body down. "NOW GET HER LEGS DOWN!" I was surprised Minho could even hear Jorge from where he was standing over Y/N's screams, but he ran over to us and grabbed her ankles holding her legs still. I grunted in pain as one of her fists collided with my face.

I rolled over so my back was facing her. I felt as she hit the back of my head at least twenty times. I managed to grab her other arm to stop her from punching me. I was trying to get her to stop swinging when Jorge put the knife down and got up and grabbed some pliers. He came back and looked at both me and Minho. Y/N, who had finally calmed down, was softly crying into my shoulder. She spit the stick out and looked at me. "I-i-is it over?"

She looked at me hopefully and my heart broke. I looked over to Jorge and nodded slightly. He nodded back and began to try and get the bullet out with the pliers, and the screaming, resumed.



It has been at least an hour from when Jorge removed the bullet from Y/N's leg. She passed out right after Jorge pulled it out. "Is she going to be okay?" Newt looked at Jorge hopefully. "She should be fine, Hermano."

Newt looked back down at the sleeping girl in his lap and smiled. 

Good. She's gonna be okay.

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