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I held my gun to the scientists back, Thomas beside me, and made her lead us to Minho and Y/N. She took a right and lead us down a long corridor. We passed door after door before we came to a specific one that had a sign one the wall that read, 'IN TESTING ROOM'. She took the sign down and walked into the room. Inside was an all white room. 

She turned towards us and Thomas shoved her against the wall, "Where are they?" She raised the sign up and I raised my gun. "So, why are we in here? Take us to the testing room." 

She nodded and scurried out of the room, us close behind. We walked into the entrance to the WICKED compound and walked up an elevator and she chose the floor we needed to go to. The doors began to close but were stopped when a hand was stuck into the elevator. They doors slowly re-opened and the hand was revealed to be Jansen's hand.

"Hold it." He walked in and stood next to the scientist in front of us. I tightened my grip on my gun and looked to Thomas who had done the same. "Your working late. That's what I like about you Taylor, no matter how bleak things get you just, well you never give up. Times like this you need a friend that you can count on." She looked over a Jansen and smiled before turning her attention back to the door of the elevator. "I'll bear that in mind." I tensed up, nervous that Taylor was going to blow our cover when they both hesitated when Jansen spoke, "There is one thing you should know, one friend to another. Group A is here. The surveillance picked them out near the walls. They are going to try and get into the compound to get their friends back and if you see them,I'd like to think that I'd be your first call."

She turned her attention to Jansen and asked, "Are you going to kill him?" He shrugged and face forward. The elevator dinged and the door opened, "This is me." She started to walk forward and I followed, being sure to bump Jansen's shoulder on the way out. The doors closed and we heard it begin to move again as we walked away. We kept walking when she spoke, "Getting that serum won't save you." I turned towards her, "What?"

"I know you have the flare. I can hear it in your voice." Thomas' walking faltered but he continued to walk, "It might buy you some time but-" I interrupted her and grabbed her arm, pushing her forward. "Just ignore her, she's trying to get inside your head." She grabbed Thomas' arm, "Listen, you know what's going on out there, people are dying, the world is dying. There is something about your blood I don't understand." 

I remembered her cutting into our necks to take out the chip and my hand instinctively went to the back of mine. I lowered it and grabbed her arm again. Thomas stopped in front of a door and motioned to it, "Open it." She reached her hand out and place her thumb on a thumb pad. "Let me run some tests. I promise I won't let them find you."

"Yeah? I remember you Taylor. Before the maze. You sold my hiding spot out to Jansen, told them where I was. Told them where Newt was before me. Told them where Minho was. Where Alby was. Then you chose how we were to be punished. You sent us into the maze. Not Jansen, not Paige, you." I reached my hand out to Thomas and pulled him back, "What are you doing?" He pushed me away and I stumbled back, caught off guard. "How many more people do they have to round up. torture, kill? Huh? When the hell does it stop?" 

"It stops when we find a cure."
"There is no goddamn cure." He pushed her and she staggered back.

"Don't waste your breath, Taylor." I looked up and saw Jansen walking towards us, followed by many guards. I grabbed Thomas' arm again and he grabbed Taylor, holding the gun to her head. "CALL THEM OFF! CALL THEM OFF OR I SHOOT HER!" Jansen lowered his gun and the guards did to. "Shoot her then." I snapped my head in his direction and then looked at Thomas who looked just as surprised as I did. Jansen took another step forward and repeated, "Shoot her." 

Thomas' grip on the girl loosened and she took the chance to push us away from her and closed the door, blocking us from the many bullets that were shot at us. I took off my mask and nodded at her we began to run, trying to find Minho and Y/N.


I ran down the corridor, following the sound of an explosion when I saw a guard pointing a gun down a corridor. "You two freeze! Get down on the ground now! I said get your ass-" I cut him off by running into him, ramming him against the wall. I grabbed his suit and screamed in his face, the adrenaline and anger taking over as I threw him over my shoulder into a small room, breaking the glass window. I turned to what he was pointing at and realized, it was Thomas and Newt.

"Minho." Thomas and Newt ran towards me, engulfing me in hug. I hugged back before they pulled away and through all my huffing and puffing I managed to get out, "Is this real?" Before Thomas or Minho could reply, I was tackled to the ground.


I ran around the corner Minho had just gone around and saw him hugging Thomas and Newt. I tried to slow down but was slipping on glass. I knew it was glass because it was cutting into my bare feet. 

I ran into Minho and we both tumbled to the ground and we ended up lying next to each other. I nudged his arm and chuckled, "I win." I looked over at me and said, "What do you mean?"

I looked back at him and smiled, "I told you I'd make you fall for me." He punched my arm and got up, helping me up and I looked over at Newt and Thomas who were staring at us in confusion. We stared back until Newt came running towards me. I held my arms out and I was suffocated into a hug. I hugged back but pulled away when I heard guards yelling from a distance. "Let finish this later, yeah?" I grabbed his hand and dragged him down a corridor. 

We made a right turn and the saw another group of guards coming our way. We turned to back track but the group before had caught up to us. I turned and saw a door right next to us. I pulled Newt in and made sure Thomas and Minho got in before closing it. I held the door shut, trying to keep the guards out and Newt helped as well. I looked around the room and my eyes rested on a giant metal shelf. 

"MINHO! THE SHELF!" He seemed to get what I wanted him to do and ran to it. He pushed it over and Newt and I were almost crushed by the bloody thing. I backed away and sat against the wall, lifting my shirt to see an injection wound from the flare. I grimaced as I realized it had gotten worse. I pushed it back down when the banging on the door had stopped and there was now a loud whirring noise. I stood up and walked towards the door as sparks began to fly from it. 

I realized they were somehow cutting through the door. I backed away from it and Minho yelled to Thomas, "Got any ideas?" 

Thomas replied with, "Maybe." I turned to look at him and he looked back at the window. He told Newt to help him and they both grabbed a large cylinder container and threw it into the glass, shattering it. I walked to the edge looking down and backed away shaking my head, "No. No. Nope. Not happening. Not in a million years." 

"Y/N there is water down there." I looked up at Thomas in disbelief. "Yeah? So? We don't know how much water there is." Newt grabbed my hand when Minho spoke, "You sure about this?" 

"Not really." Minho looked a Thomas and replied sarcastically, "Nice pep talk."

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired."

We took a running start and jumped out the window, me and Newt, still holding hands.

Chapter 22................ I honestly didn't think I would get it this far............ I know this is kind of irrelevant.... but I am helping my cousin write a small short stories book. It is basically filled with short scary stories. She hasn't posted any chapters yet but she will. It is on my page so. yah. go check that out

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