Part 1 - When it all began

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Kakucho and (Y/n) were sitting together making a grave for their late parents.

Y/n looked at his younger sibling with a sad expression plastered over his face. (Y/n) is older than Kakucho with 2 years he dearly loves his brother and after his family passed away he swear he will protect his brother

"Hey Kaku-kun" the male asked while staring at the grave they both spend time on making

"Hm?" The younger one hummed while focusing on his job

"Promise me we will never separate from eachother" (Y/n) said while looking at his brother with a slight smile

The boy stopped from his job and looked at his dear older brother
"No need for a promise
(Y/n)nii-san I will always stay by your side, even if you throw me away" the boy said while giving his brother a small smile

(Y/n) smacked his brother while pouting at him "YOU PRICK DONT ACUSE ME OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT"

Kakucho hissed in pain then started giggling softly , he stole a glance at his older brother and gave him an apologetic look

The boys were talking with eachother when they heard someone approaching

(Y/n) got up and looked at the incoming person , when he got a better look he saw an albino boy with a pair of lavender eyes

Kakucho stood in his place and took glances between his brother and the boy who appeared out of nowhere , he had a blank expression on his face not caring about what the boy wants

(Y/n) stared at the boy who was now in front of him , taking a better look the albino seemed a bit older than the boy

"What do you want?" Said (Y/n) while staring at the albino who only got closer to them

"What Is that?" The white haired boy said while pointing at the small construct the two boys made

"Our parents grave" Kakucho bluntly said earning a glare from his older brother , (Y/n) not wanting his brother to tell everyone about their little creation

The albino tried approaching Kakucho and his little grave , but (Y/n) stepped in blocking his way

"I'll ask one more time , what do you want?" Said the boy while glaring at the albino with an annoyed expression

The boy stared into (Y/n) eyes with a blank expression,  practically telling him to get out of his way

"Let him be (Y/n)nii-san" said Kakucho while looking at the two males ready to jump at eachother's throat

(Y/n) looked at his brother , then back at the albino and slightly stepped aside , still close to his brother in case the boy tries something

"So your parents died and you're mourning them?" The boy asked while looking at the little grave the siblings made

"Yea we didn't really get to say goodbye , and we want them to be remembered" Kakucho said while still working on the little grave he mostly made while (Y/n) was mumbling around

That's when the albino kicked the grave making it crash all over the place

Kakucho's eyes widen and his mouth went agape with a silent scream

(Y/n) had of this little shit picking on them and now destroying his little brother's work? Not happening

The albino looked back at (Y/n) only to find the male pulling his collar while aiming his fist at the boy's face

The lavender eyed boy shook (y/n) off him before he could punch him only to grab (y/n) hand , twisting it while making the boy squeal in pain

"NII-SAN!" the youngest boy yelled while looking at the two males fighting eachother

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" (Y/n) yelled at him while sitting down with his wrist still twisted in the albino's hand

The lavender eyed boy sighed while looking at the two siblings "They won't come back if you cry over them,  don't waste time on it and move on faster" the boy said while letting the older sibling's wrist go

"My name is Izana , I'm alone like you two" the boy said while slightly smiling

(Y/n) hissed in pain while holding his wrist "We don't care just F off"

"Cool scar you got there" Izana said while looking at Kakucho's scar and ignoring (Y/n)'s words

"Thanks" Kakucho mumbled while looking at his brother "My brother got one on his left shoulder" he said while standing up and sitting next to his brother who was still frowning

"Sounds cool" Izana said while sitting in front of the two boys

"My name is Kakucho and he is my brother-"

"(Y/n)?" The albino said Interrupting the boy while looking at (Y/n) with a smug smile

The older sibling looked at Izana with a frown "Don't say my name it looks ugly coming from your mouth" the boy said while looking away

Kakucho smacked his hand over (Y/n)'s face looking at Izana with an apologetic look "don't insult him will you now he literally twisted your arm" the boy whispered to his older brother

Izana just giggled softly while looking at the siblings, little signs of Jealousy appearing in his mind seeing the two brothers getting along so well

"How about we become friends?" Izana said while extending his hand towards (Y/n)

The male just looked at his hand , sighed then shook it "Alright but try something and I'll kill you"

Kakucho just stared at his brother with an annoyed look then looked at Izana and nodded "sure but please don't mind my brother after our parents died he become quite protective"

Izana was starring at (Y/n) while admiring his facial features "no problem we will get along regardless" he said while smiling to himself


Authors note : OK - this was fun to write:) ik it seems boring it will get better I promise 😇 -

Ik some things dont match the Manga- Izana said he will be the king and Kakucho will be his servant- but I needed a way to make Izana look more caring and include all 3 persons - The gang will still be called Tenjiku I won't write as on why they named it like that when (Y/n) was there too

Word count : 990 (story only)

Cya in the next chapter :)

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