Part 17 : Deal?

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Rindou picked you up with in a car apparently he hired a driver in the last second to come look for you

"Koko will be mad" Rindou hummed sitting between you and Mikey

"So? What can he do? Hit me? Be serious Rin you guys should be the punished ones since you didn't listen when I said to leave me alone" you said placing your forehead on the drivers seat

"Tho our clothes might be soaked wet we had fun" Mikey said giving you a smile

"And you also picked up a stray cat" he said looking at Mikey

"Leave him alone Rindou , he won't stay too much , I don't want him to catch a cold" you said playing with your hands


Once you got back home , you entered the house with a frown , upon seeing you Sanzu quickly changed roads

When Koko saw the male behind you he frowned "Why's he here?"

"He came here to have a sleepover" you said making your way to your room

"Boy what?" Sanzu looked at you confused from the other corner of the room

Mikey followed you to your room and sat down on the bed

You threw some clothes at him to get changed , prolly your clothes were a bit oversized for him but it was better than some wet clothes

"Go take a shower then change , I'll let your uniform dry overnight" you said pointing to your bathroom

"Wait you were serious about the sleepover?" He questioned you looking confused

You nodded "yea it's already 8 pm it's dark and raining outside just stay here" 

Mikey nodded and went to the bathroom

Wanting to let him be , you went to the living room

You saw the guys around the table talking , "are you badmouthing by any chances?"



Sanzu and Koko said in sync , after two seconds they stared at eachother

"SANZU YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY NO" koko yelled at him

You sat down besides them "are you mad I brought Mikey here?" You asked looking at them

"Yes , your brother died because of him aren't you self aware not even a bit?" Ran asked from the other side of the table

"It's not his fault my brother is dead , he didn't pull the trigger nor did he know Kisaki had a gun!" You said standing up

"How do you know that?" Sanzu asked from your left

You kept quiet for two seconds before deciding what to say

"His..his smile seemed genuine" you said looking away

"Boy what the hell boy" Sanzu was acting goofy again

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