Part 21 : Do it again?

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Following behind Koko you were typing on your phone

The male in front of you slightly frowned grabbing it

"I know you're bored with me but I wanna talk" he said smiling

You reached for your phone but Koko tried pushing you aside

"Come on (y/n) talk to me" he said giving in and handing you your phone

You took it and put it in your pocket

"Sure , let's talk" you said looking at him

"Awesome! So if the brothers fucked up which most likely they did , prolly threatened the dealers" he said sighing

"If they did how are we gonna help?" You asked confused, what's done can't be undone

"Talk with them , if we leave it like this they might cut down our business or attack us" he said checking his phone

"Come we're gonna run late" he said walking faster

Once you got there some guards took us in , we weren't allowed to see the boss apparently , so his right hand was sent to talk with us

Sitting down you saw him staring at both of you , from head to toe , kinda suspicious but you overlooked it

"So what brings you youngsters here?" He asked in a low voice , it was quite obvious by now if you ask me

"We heard from our executives that they solves the problems we had going on , and we know their rationality isn't the best" he said giving the man a smile

"Ah yes the Haitani I assume , they did indeed come here , made quite the ruckus actually , demanding we continue to be business partners" he said glaring

Koko was looking a bit stressed his guts being correct about the Haitani

"We know they.... we fucked up , as their superiors we should have watch over them better" you just kept talking to solve your problem


In the end you made up , you won't get paid for another 5 months , your savings will be enough but still

Once you got back Koko went straight for blood which made sense this whole thing gave him more work to do

You've been absent for about 4 hours , long talk what can I say

Heading towards Izana's room to check on him you noticed Sanzu sitting on the sofa watching the news

"Sup Sanzu , like em news?"

You leaned from behind the sofa to see his face

He was dozing off , pulling back You pushed him lightly to lay down

You went back to Izana's room

Stepping in he was sitting in his chair staring blankly , he had a paper under his hands

Tapping his shoulder slowly so you don't startle him he turned around to face you

"Yo 'zana we made up after a while! We even went to a shop and bought some snacks" you said handing him a chocolate bar

He didn't seem too impressed as he just focused back on his paper

Frowning you let out a loud sigh sitting on his bed "you lied , because of you we had to deal with this today , and I even bought you chocolate and you are mad?"

He just hummed in response barely sparing you any attention

You got up to leave "fine imma hang out with Mikey then" you deadass knew you can't hang out with him after what happened last time , but you wanted to annoy Izana

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