Part 2 : Maturing

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Lmao let's go 2nd chapter today- I'm quite inspired ngl hehe anyways let's get into it hehe


Since you meet Izana it's been quite the ride , he would always get into trouble and he would drag you and Kakucho into it

You even formed your own gang named Tenjiku

Ever now and then someone would come to meet Izana , an older male with black raven hair and a pair of black eyes

Izana said that was his older brother , he even introduced you to him saying you were his friends , his name was Shinichiro he seemed to be a good guy he even brought you candy

Shinichiro said that he has other 2 siblings you could get to meet one day if Izana wishes to

A few days have passed since Shinichiro visited last time

Izana was dragging you both yet again away from the orphanage to most likely create problems again

"(Y/n)!" the albino said while looking at (y/n) with an adoring gaze

The male only looked at the male and tilted his head in question "hm?"

Kakucho once again was getting annoyed by the attention Izana was getting from his older brother,  he likes Izana as a friend they get along and he likes that Izana understands his brother. But he doesn't like it when the albino is too attached of his sweet

"We should run away from the orphanage together, you me and Kakucho" the albino said while turning around to pat the boy with the scar on his face "we wouldn't leave you behind don't worry Kakucho"

(Y/n) smiled softly seeing them getting along so good , he looked at Izana and nodded while humming lowly "yea we should , it's boring and we can't do anything because of those rules and everything"

Kakucho on the other hand was a bit worried,  he wouldnt disagree with the two. But where will you sleep what about food and water? What if it rains , he doesn't wanna see any of his friends sick or worse dead

"But what about shelter and necessities?" The youngest one finally spoke up his worries , looking at his older brother whom only laughed at him

"Silly Kaku-chan , we can work it all out if we manage our gang right? I mean collecting debts beating up people for money, it would all work out" (y/n) said while grinning slightly while looking at Izana

"Yea I mean we already have some money stocked away, we just need to make our names heard get more members and done" the albino said smiling

The two color eyed boy started to relax a bit, he didn't like that it puts them in danger the way of making money but they didn't have a choice so he nodded and followed the two older males

You planned into running away after Shinichiro comes visiting so the albino could warn the male in not panicking over their runaway

You knew that the brother would worry over Izana's disappearing so you suggested telling him

Izana said that the ravenette couldn't stop the three of you anyways and he wouldn't try to, Shinichiro tries his best to guide you guys not control you , he would still like to keep contact so he wouldn't worry too much, he is not the kind of person to turn you in

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