Part 11 : Your name

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Please talk to me :((( I'm not gonna ignore y'all I'm not a weirdo 😭

Lol anyways fr say smt I feel like I'm writing this to a wall sniff sniff


"Not again" you said frowning at the younger Haitani

"Oh c'mon (Y/n)-kun it will be fun~" Ran said giving you a smile while longing the last word in pleading

"I don't like dancing , why would I go back in a club , one you own besides that , a whole way to Roppongi for a club night sounds like a waste" you start raising your voice to seem more intimidating

"Idk nii-san it sounds cool" Kakucho said from besides you

You just pushed his head back into the sofa "you were not coming anyway , I don't think they allow 14 years old in clubs" you said looking at him

"Don't get cocky (Y/n)-kun if you wouldn't be with me neither you nor Rin would be allowed in, ain't you 16 still?" Ran said patting his brother's head

"Fuck off , I'm almost 18 you idiot" Rindou just yelled at his brother getting off the sofa

"How do you suggest going into a club , if you aren't allowed in it?" Sanzu asked from besides (Y/n) on the sofa

"Shut up aren't you younger than me?" Rin asked looking at Sanzu

The pink haired male huffed In annoyance then rested his head on your shoulder

You just leaned your head on top of his "your head is heavy"

He just hummed with his eyes closed

"Didn't know you two were this close" Ran said in a high tone

"Yea I thought you hated eachother" Rindou said completing his brother

"Old days are bad days sometimes" you just said looking at him

'Why do I feel unwell , I feel lost what's happening' you thought to yourself raising your head

You suddenly got up and headed to the entrance

Sanzu who was laying his head on you fell with his face in the sofa

"What's with the hurry?" Kakucho asked looking you basically sprinting out of the house

You just slammed the door not saying a word , you were looking around for something to travel with

That's when your eyes landed on Sanzu's bike , it was well maintained not gonna lie , and it seemed like your only valid option

Running back into the house , pulled Sanzu up and searched him for the keys

"WHERE ARE THE BIKE KEYS" You asked looking at him

"Huh why you need them? You don't know how to ride a bike" Sanzu said giving you a glare

"And what's with the panic?" Koko asked seeing you agitated

"JUST GIVE EM TO ME" You felt something was wrong , it involved Izana and you hated it , the albino was so careless God knows what he got himself into , you might also be wrong , but why risk it

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