Part 8 : Hard way

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The two males where staring at eachother , both of them were silent

Mikey didn't know if he was on Izana's bad or good side , so he was waiting for the Albino's response

"Get out of my sight" Izana said looking at Mikey

The blonde wasn't too shocked since this was a response he had expected but still it was his brother

"Izana would you listen to me?"
(Y/n) was still trying to convince the albino about Mikey

'He is so annoying I can't belive him' (Y/n) was getting pissed off with his friend's attitude

Mikey wasn't moving , it was like he was provoking the albino , which only pissed him off

"I'm Manjiro Sano , nice to meet you Izana" Mikey was trying to cool off the situation,  striking a normal conversation between friends

"Don't address me so casually, you are lucky I didn't make you kiss the ground yet" Izana was getting impatient with Mikey's attitude

"I helped (Y/n)-chin get you out of prison , can't you at least try and get along with me? Isn't that what Shinichiro-niisan wanted?" Mikey was a bit hurt by his brother's words

"Don't address (Y/n) so casually you little shit , plus I couldn't careless what Shinichiro wanted he lied to me , all this time" Izana was still feeling angry about what happened with Shinichiro

"Get over it you're acting like a kid" Mikey said frowing at Izana , even tho he was the childish person (Y/n) ever met

Izana was clearly pissed about to attack Mikey

"You're both acting like kids , can't you get along for the love of it?"
(Y/n) who was only watching till he saw things getting out of control said

"Who's side are you on (N/n)? ((nickname))" Asked Izana while glaring at (Y/n)

"We're not on a fucking volleyball team to choose sides" the
(h/c)nette said while glaring at the two males

"Izana just , try and get along with him,  he is a good guy he helped us get you out" (y/n) liked Toman their members were caring for eachother and they weren't terrified of their leader

First Shinichiro and Emma now
(Y/n) , why , why was Mikey taking everyone from him

"Tsk" Izana just clicked his tongue in annoyance,  he couldn't help but to see Mikey as the main problem here

"Izana , I won't call you brother if it bothers you , just give me a chance to become your friend , I want to help you" Mikey was trying his best to make Izana change his mind

"I dont need your help , I just need you out of the picture,  I got other people who can help me if ever need it , but you try and take those people away I can't allow that" Izana was acting though but actually he was just worried about losing his two friends he has

"Idiot" (Y/n) said smacking Izana's head " you always act on your own , now too" (Y/n) was genuinely hurt to hear the albino thinking he would leave him

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