Part 16 : his legacy

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Lmao sorry for not posting I was on vacation for two weeks , I'll try and make up to it tho hehe


You left the living room heading towards Koko's room , you wanted to find out who were those guys

Knocking twice you entered seeing him on his laptop scrolling on some sites

He probably didn't hear you since he is wearing headphones and seems pretty busy

You approached him and lowered your head to his head level

He was reading the news about the brawl , Koko was really into it still didn't observe you

An article stated that Kisaki protected himself with the gun and that he was innocent

"What bullshit , he raised that gun at us for nor reason , Sanzu beat him to death because of that" you said snapping and slamming your hands into the table making Koko flinch

He took off his headphones and looked at you "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" he yelled at you

"Why would they say Kisaki was innocent! Regardless if he was protecting himself or not He killed someone!" You yelled looking at Koko

"Why am I a victim now I didn't do anything wrong" he said staring back at his laptop

You scratched your head in embarrassment you didn't mean to yell at him

A few seconds later the door bursts open and there it is , Sanzu , he seemed mad for a reason or another

"STOP. BEING. SO. LOUD." he yelled while bonking your head constantly

"Stop hitting him Sanzu , he just got out of the hospital don't send him back again" Koko said grabbing Sanzu's wrist

"Right whatever" he said pulling his wrist back and looking at you "be quiet those people haven't left yet"

"Right but who are they?" You asked glancing at him

"Business partners , a lot of people tried approaching us since Izana isn't here" Koko said minding his own business again

"So? I'm here shouldn't I have a word first? After all you are the ones that asked me to do it" you said crossing your arms

"Well you do have a word in , we would need your approval" Sanzu said looking at you "but Ran told me you said it's fine"


"WHY AM I A VICTIM TOO??" The poor man yelled trying to get released from your grip

You let go and stormed out to the living room

"Oh I'm dead" Sanzu said fixing his hair

"Oh you are dead" Koko said resuming his work


When you entered the living room Ran was signing something

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