Part 10 : last chance

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So quick note abt their age I checked the internet to make sure but correct me if I'm wrong lol

Izana - 18
(Y/n) - 16
Kakucho - 14

I don't think the age gap is that big lol , hopefully ppl won't say anything but 'zana being an adult


You woke up with a slight headache , it wasn't too bad , you needed to go the the bathroom

But as soon as you tried to get up you felt something heavy pushing you down , taking a better look the albino was sleeping while his hand laid on top of you

You didn't want to wake him up , he seemed to be needing this sleep

Truth being you just loved seeing him so calm , he looked way nicer while sleeping

You heard a knock on the door , slightly glancing your head. You saw your brother peeking through

"What ya need?" You asked in a low voice not wanting to wake Izana up

"Food's ready , leave Izana to sleep and come eat" Kakucho said leaving the room

You were glad you took good care of your little brother and he is a mannered person unlike the other siblings in this house

You slowly moved his hand away , he frowned you almost laughed , you just kept tiptoe till the door when you got out

You bumbed into Rindou who was also making his way to the Kitchen , he made a weird expression after a few seconds

"You smell like alcohol,  where did you even go last night?" He said pulling your collar to get a better sniff of your smell

"It's mixed with something sweet , I won't even ask what woman you were with" he said leaving you with a shock expression

You didn't want him to think you touched any woman , someone boutta say Sanzu was a woman or else there ain't no way

You ran to catch up with him before he could spread lies , you were right behind him when you heard him speaking up

"Guys do you know (Y/n) was with a-) his mouth couldn't say another word , you jumped on his back and covered his mouth with your hands

"He wants to annoy me , don't mind him"

Rindou was unstabilized for a few seconds but the first thing he did was still catch your thighs so you don't fall on the ground

Rindou just shook his head from your grip " look how nice I am I don't let your ass hit the ground and this is the treatment I get?" He let out a tsk in annoyance

"You know what I will give you a nice piggy ride if you are on my back" he said giving you a weird grin

"Rin , no I need to eat" you tried yo get down but he wasn't letting go

"Just for a few minutes" he said staring to walk towards the exit

What was more funny was the fact that you had a T-shirt and a pair of shorts you put on before getting out of the room

You started hitting him , but he only winced a little then started speeding up


He slowed down and went back I'm the house with you on his back still "Don't kill me I will drop you down in the house"

You calmed down and wrapped your hands around his neck , if it wasn't because you threatened him this could actually be almost sweet

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