Part 12 : Roses

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ou've been discharged from the Hospital for a few days now , Rindou was put in charge of your supervision , Izana is busy , Sanzu might slip some pills in your food , Koko would give you money to eat whatever you want Ran is.. well Ran , and Kakucho had to help Izana

Rindou denied at first but seeing Izana glaring at him he accepted

He was following you around like a bodyguard or puppy whichever you prefer

He would sulk and pout when he can't go out because he has to watch you so , a puppy most likely


Leaving your state aside , there was a reason Kakucho needed to back Izana up , the male was overworking himself and worrying for you

He refuses to go out or hang around you guys too much

Tenjiku was supposed to fight another gang this Thursday , and of course you wanted to be involved , but do you ever get what you want?

"No , you won't go" That's all Izana said before resuming his training

"Then you stay put as well" you were full and done with being treated like a baby , it's been a few weeks now , you were fine

"Don't try and order me around (Y/n) you know I won't let you attend even if you annoy me" the albino kept punching the dummy , he couldn't careless about some boring papers , Koko and Kakucho usually handled those

He's been training for a good while now , non-stop hitting the dummy

(Y/n) just grabbed his hand and pulled him down , Izana tripped and fell on his knees

"I might not be stronger than you , but I'm surely smarter , you don't know when to stop and take a break , you'll damage yourself.  Take a break release the stress you will snap one day" you didn't let go of his hand

"If you don't let go" he was basically threatening you , it wasn't the first time but it looked like tiredness got to him , his tone was cold and low you would be scared if you wouldn't be so close to him

"This seems familiar to the first time we meet" you completely ignored the albino trying to calm him down

Izana clearly wasn't having your shit , he just charged at your form from the ground and your back hit the floor with a thud

You started cussing while groaning in pain , Izana just got up and shook his head to relieve the hair caught on his face

He resumed his training as if you were never there

You were wondering how can he act like a needy puppy then like a grown ass lonely wolf you really couldn't get it

Getting up , you weren't gonna leave it like that , you pushed the dummy aside and blocked Izana's kick

"C'mon fight with me if you want to stop me , cuz I'll be coming either way" you were basically asking for a death sentence

Izana was hesitantly at first even if he threw you on the ground he was still aware of your sick state , well you weren't sick anymore but you can't convince him otherwise

That was till you threw the first hit , making the male stumble while blocking it

That's when he threw it aside and charged back

Around 10 minutes maybe? Truly a surprise you lasted that much

Izana was panting , but you were the one who was down on their knees on the hard floor

Never had meet (Izana Kurokawa x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now