Part 13 : Trust you

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You didn't know if you should run after Izana to stop him , ask him to change his mind and let you stay home , go with the plan or rebel

You simply started acting childish , sat on the floor crossed your arms and just said "I don't wanna" while frowning

"He acts like Mikey when he doesn't get what he wants" Sanzu said looking at you with a smile

"They hangout too much with eachother" Kakucho said sipping from his drink

"Ne Kakucho-kun on whose side are you?" You just looked at him frowning

Rindou scoffed and looked at you , he got up and sat down next to you

"Are you mocking me?" Your blood stared to boil angrily and a vein popped on your head

He couldn't help but ruffle your hair , annoyed you grabbed his hair and started pulling while ruffling it

Both of you were looking like some fluff balls , Rindou was pulling by your collar staring at your face

"If you wanna get me naked say so don't pull my clothes off by force" you said while looking away

He immediately let go and turned to face his brother

Ran started laughing , you caught a glimpse of Rin's face his cheeks were a bit red not too much tho

"Man and people say you are heartless and cold " you said patting his back

Getting up the problem hit you again , what wil you do about Toman....

You don't wanna fight them , but you can't stop Izana either

The fight was in two days , you were too late to stop it now anyways , not attending wouldn't help you in any way

Spacing out you felt something cold touching your back , you turned around and saw Sanzu  , the icy feeling still on you realized the b¡tch put a ice cube down your back

"YOU MOTHERFU####" You started struggling to get the icecube out but it only got worse as it went lower

Pulling out the shirt from your pants the ice cube fell down , finally escaping from it

Lookin at Sanzu you clenched your fist and started running after him
"YOU DECOR ROOM WANNABE COME HERE" you were threatening him

Ran was cheering you on while the others were too used to this kind of thing happening early in the morning

Grabbing Sanzu's collar you pulled the male to the ground with a thud , you let go of his collar and stepped on his chest "if you wanna die so bad just ask me for it" you said putting more pressure

The male started laughing slightly while releasing slow breaths

Getting annoyed you turned around and went back inside the house , going straight to your room

When Sanzu got back he was dusted still laughing , he found you funny and your reaction was stuck in his mind

Ran simply looked at him "he went to his room , might wanna check on him"

"As if I wanna die , he stepped on my chest barely had any air left in my lungs" he said stopping laughing

"So , (Y/n) stepped on you? Lucky" Ran said laughing

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