Part 15 : Unsee

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"I wanna see him" you said with a determined face

"(Y/n)...Izana still didn't wake up" he said sitting on your bed

You had a blank expression , you didn't wanna cry anymore , Mikey couldn't blame you tho

"Are you ok?" You asked the blonde who tried to cheer you up , even tho his own sister died yesterday as well

Mikey paused for a second then looked down and keept quiet

You were feeling guilty , you shouldn't have pushed him away because Izana said so , he was always kind and nice towards you

"'s hard but it will pass" he said giving you a small smile

"Idiot..." you said as you hugged him

"You don't have to act cool near me , you saw me crying it's only fair if you cry in front of me too , no one will judge you" you said as you tighten your grip on him

For a few moments you didn't hear anything he stood quiet

Till you heard small sobs coming from him , you had a small smile on , you were happy he trusted you enough to cry around you

You couldn't help but let out a tear too , hearing him crying remembered you of your own pain

"Fuck we look like two ladies crying after their food being taken away" you said letting go of him

He smiled a little and looked down at your hands

You just wiped his tears away with your sleeve "it's fine , you still have Izana and me , and your friends , I'm sorry for Shinichiro-niisan and Emma-chan but you can't lose yourself over them when you still have others" you were acting tough when in reality you were losing yourself more than Mikey

"Same goes for you , you're strong don't let Kakucho's death get to you" you couldn't compare yourself to him , he was strong mentally and physically

Then the Haitani's came in , in a rush "(Y/N)!" Rindou yelled as he entered the room

They saw you hugging Mikey and gave you a weird look

They rushed to your side , a nurse trying to make them go back to their room

"Jesus f#cking christ you're alive , curse you Ran for saying bullshit" he said as he hit his brother

"Hey I said he might be dead , happy to see you breathe pal" Ran said giving you a wink

You smiled softly at them

"But...Izana and Kakucho...did they.." Rindou said looking at you

You were silent , couldn't think about it anymore

"Kakucho's dead ...Izana is alive he is still asleep though" Mikey said patting your head

Both the brothers were shocked , they knew bad shit happened they didn't belive someone would actually die , well not from their side

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