Part 4 : Losing him

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Lolol- i keep on researching abt their backstories to have a better story so each chapter I'm more acknowledged and I realize I messed things up lol


When (Y/n) arrived home , he was surprised when he saw a familiar face , a tall male with black hair and yellow part in the middle

"Hanma" (Y/n) muttered while looking at the male in front of him. (Y/N) Isn't short , he is taller than Kakucho but Hanma was just..well a literate giraffe

Hanma turned around to see the male looking at him with a surprised expression

"Hi there (Y/n) how ya doing? ♡" another time the male could practically see the heart at the end of the sentence.

"I'm fine , but what are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked finally noticing Izana and his brother on the couch behind Hanma

"You know him?" Izana spoke up while peering at (Y/n) behind the tall male

"Yea we got into some disputes once , but we figured it out and we are on good terms now" the
(h/c)nette said while smiling at Hanma

"He beat up Kisaki for pushing him" Hanma said while giggling softly and looking away from (Y/n)

"He was being a dickhead he deserved it" (Y/n) said while passing the male and sitting down between his brother and Izana

Izana sighed and leaned his head on (Y/n)'s shoulder , he was getting sleepy all those papers he looked over , he swears he won't make anything official through papers again

Hanma read the room and bid his goodbyes

(Y/n) was curious as on why the male was here , but he didn't question it not wanting to stress out the albino even more

"Is he sleeping?" Kakucho asked while peering over (Y/n)'s shoulder to see the male with his eyes closed

(Y/n) nodded slightly smiling seeing Izana being calm once again "you know he is prettier when he isn't babbling about Manjiro"

Kakucho giggled silently while looking at his friends
Izana was a good man in his eyes , to other he might seem cruel , not caring about the other members of Tenjiku creating problems.. he almost got arrested once

The two color eyed boy sighed while getting off the couch , but to see both males sleeping on eachother's shoulders

He snapped a photo before covering them with a blanket and going back to completing the papers for Izana


A few days later Tenjiku got involved in some bad shits , they were fighting a gang , being watched

Toman's 1st division captain with his vice captain were there send by Mikey

And other gang's where there as well

What they didn't see was the former leader of the 1st generation of black dragons with some of his friends watching from afar

The fight was going pretty smoothly , Izana was standing by watching his gang members fighting

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