Part 20 : Together?

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Izana's answer wasn't satisfying , he just said he was bored , which of course wasn't even half a good lie

Giving up you fell asleep with him your mind wandering to the upcoming fight


When you woke up Izana was still sleeping it was roughly around 1 pm not understanding how you slept so much , you left the room carefully and made your way to the living room

Everyone else seemed to be in a bad shape , from headaches to moods to even wounds

You walked by the counter and sat down on a chair , there was some pizza leftovers from last night when you got home

As you were eating you heard Sanzu being weird again

"Your face looks weird , did you cry?" He said pointing a Koko

Koko just scoffed and looked away "fuck off Sanzu , go spit your bs somewhere else" he said shooing Sanzu

"Sorry princess that you're in a bad mood , I was just saying~" he just frowned and came to sit next to you

You sighed deeply and looked at him "surprise me , something you need?"

"Nothing besides your heart" he said giving you a wink

You couldn't help but chuckle "sorry Sanzu no can't do my heart belongs to one person only" you said looking at him

"No I mean I need your heart... the prices on the black market start to fall! If I don't sell one now for a good price I might as well not sell it at all!" He said pouting and sniffling

You just looked at him weirdly "Ok?" You got up and sat down on the couch

Sanzu was still sniffling with his head on the counter

Everyone else was staring without saying a word , surely creeping you out

Having enough of the weird atmosphere you went and grabbed your bike keys leaving with the same clothes you had on yesterday

You drove your way to Mikey's house hoping to find him there

His grandpa told you he was out busy with some gang matters

Of course it didn't took you long before you found out where , there are plents of people here that would say anything for a certain amount of money

'Gang matters? But...' you just thought going to the described place

To your surprise he really was there , he seemed...different

He was beating someone , not only someone , it was dozens of people on the ground

Taking a better look you observed their uniforms

'Rokuhara? But the brawl won't start till tomorrow what's going on?' You just approached Mikey not breaking line of sight

Everyone else was on the side , from Mikey's gang members to people such as Wakasa even Senju

Mikey seemed lost , he was just straight up beating the living soul out of someone 

You tried approaching him , it was too late Takemichi was already ahead of you trying to stop Mikey he seemed unsure of his own actions

You couldnt get a good luck cuz the next thing that happens is Mikey breaking Takemichi's arm and giving him a death glare

You were starstruck , what are you supposed to do? step in and help takemitchi? would Mikey even listen? back away like a coward?

Your body moves on it's own towards the two blondes fighting Mikey was punching Takemichi on the ground 

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