Part 14 : Apologize

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The next day you woke up with a slight headache , assuming it will pass away you ignored it

Getting up , taking a shower changing and then going to the kitchen

You saw Izana talking with the Haitanis at the table , you just passed by and went to get some breakfast

"Oi (Y/n) , after you're done go change in your uniform we have some things to settle before the fight" Izana said looking at you

"Could have told me yesterday" you just rolled your eyes and took a seat at the table to eat your food

"Is the princess moody?" Ran asked with a pitched tone

You were pissed off from the headache and his words weren't helping you , you bend over the counter and dragged his collar

"Call me that one more time an-" You weren't able to finish , when you felt your body getting lifted up from the ground

"-AH HEY PUT ME DOWN IZANA" the albino grabbed your waist and lifted you up like a cat

"You finished eating yes? That's why you are able to pick on the others , so go get changed" he said finally putting you down in front of your door

"We don't have all time (Y/n) , the fight is in the afternoon , we have to hurry" Izana said looking at you with a serious tone

"Alright , just don't kill me with your glares man" you said going in your room


After about 10 minutes you meet outside with Izana , who seemed impatient , his foot was tapping the ground constantly

You just went besides him and pat his head "I'm here have some patience would ya?"

"(Y/n) I didn't know you needed 5 years to put a pair of pants and jacket on" he said pulling your jacket

"My bad , I took some time for myself" you said giving him a smile

"Admiring yourself in the mirror while I'm in a close run isn't really a good idea yk" he said hoping on his motorcycle

"You are 18 right? Why don't you have a car or at least a driving license" you asked getting on behind him "also I want my own motorcycle" you said patting his back

"I don't like driving cars , and you know you gotta talk with Koko about it , if he says another one is affordable then sure" he said starting the engine and heading towards your destination

"WE LIVE IN A HOUSE THATS BIG ENOUGH FOR 7 PEOPLE , MAYBE MORE AND YOU THINK 1 MORE MOTORCYCLE CANT MAKE IT THROUGH?" You asked while shooting to be heard over the loud sound of the engine

Izana didn't say anything , but kept on going

You started realizing where you were heading , the abandoned train station , it became your gang's hideout and meeting place

"Now I get it , you needed to talk with the gang members about the fight" you said looking behind you out of curiosity

He just nodded , when you reached the train station , people were waiting on the trails , they seemed to be playing

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