Part 9 : Date

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Sup this will be a little Reader x Izana chapter,  lmao enjoy while it lasts it might have around 3k words lmao


"Maybe you should wake them up" Koko said in a low voice peeking through the door with Ran and Rindou

"What why me!? Want boss to kill me?" Rindou yelled whispered to Koko while looking at the two males sleeping together

"Yk what Imma take a pic" Ran said pushing his brother and Koko out of the way making his way in the bedroom

"I can threaten (Y/n) to give me back my thing" Ran said in a low voice snapping a picture

"What thing?" Koko asked confused making his way to Ran

'Awesome I'm out I don't wanna become a room decoration' Rindou thought while leaving

"Don't worry about it , it's complicated" in reality (Y/n) took his favorite weapon away from him because he 'accidentally' hit the (h/c)nette with it

"I'm smarter than you so tell me" Koko said while pushing his head to see the picture Ran took

"You're dumber than Rin and move your dumb face" Ran and Koko started arguing like some old ladies completely forgetting about the two males who were asleep

Both froze when they heard the bed crack and a low mumble came from there

Turning their head towards the bed , they saw a certain (h/c)nette rubbing his face , since he just woke up

When (Y/n) noticed them , he just stared for a bit , before he decided to let them die and tried to shake awake the albino who was still asleep next to him

Koko and Ran totally panicked and tried to get close to (Y/n) to stop him but by then the albino has opened his eyes

(Y/n) didn't say anything but pointed at the two other males in the room

Izana slowly got up and saw Ran and Koko in his room

"What.." Izana was processing what he was seeing since he just woke up

"WE WERE HERE TO WAKE YOU UP BOSS" Ran suddenly yelled while shoving his hand over Koko's shoulder and pulling him closer to make it look as if they were in this together

"Get out we will talk later" Is all Izana had to say to make the two males run out of the room in hurry


"So annoying" (Y/n) finally spoke up throwing his head back into a pillow

"They're gonna pay for this one" Izana was his usual cruel self to the ones who deceive him

"It's fine my bad I forgot to lock the door , I knew their dumb selves won't be able to resist" (Y/n) was getting cold so he just brought the blanket on top of his head

"Are you cold?" Izana bluntly asked , looking at the (h/c)nette who was still covered in blankets

"A bit I just woke up and the cold air hit me" (Y/n) wasn't the type to get cold from the smallest breeze of cold air but still first thing in the morning seeing some idiots then a cold breeze of air hits you.  It does suck

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