Part 7 : For you

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sup - stop playing dead and say something 



Mikey seemed to know what it was about already , since he looked behind him at his vice-captain , with a questioning look 

"I will look into it , there are no promises though" The  tall male said while looking at his shorter friend 

Mikey was clearly hurt of his brother's death,  but Shinichiro always wanted his siblings to get along so he was gonna help Izana and meet up with him

"Izana won't agree to see you as his sibling you know.." (Y/n) added looking at the leader's face

"I'll still try , it was my brother's wish so I'm gonna try it at my best" the blonde said while giving (Y/n) a smile

"Alright we'll take our leave , you should too those cops might have called help" the (h/c)nette said while looking on the ground at the police officers

Like that Kakucho and (Y/n) left Mikey and his gang there

(A few months later)

"OI! GIVE IT BACK" Mikey was yelling at (Y/n) whom took a piece of his sweet dorayaki

"Are you this short you can't reach it?" (Y/n) was having fun teasing the boy

(Y/n) didn't get enough time to let out a giggle since he got punched by the shorter blonde

Making the (h/c)nette crouch and now the dorayaki was in Mikey's reach

"Ouch my stomach" (Y/n) was whining with a hand on his stomach

"I told you to give it back , now let's head back we'll be late" the male said while getting on his bike

"I also told you I'm not getting on that thing" (Y/n) said pointing at Mikey's bike

"I will take the bus" said the
(h/c)nette turing around

"There isnt any till later , we will be late if we take the bus" Mikey was trying to convince (Y/n) to go with him since the meeting was starting soon

"If you will drop me , I will kill you" (Y/n) said while slowly getting on the male's bike

"Don't worry hold tight and you'll be fine" Mikey said peeping at the male behind him

(Y/n) wasn't really believing him , but now having no choice he just wrapped his hand around Mikey's waist

"If a word about this gets out you're also dead" the (h/c)nette said while squeezing Mikey so he would take him seriously

"Alright,  I won't say a word about Tenjiku's formal leader hugging me" the blonde said teasingly

Then (Y/n) let go of him and put his hands and the sides of the motorcycle

"Yk I would rather die than having rumors spread around" (Y/n) said while looking around

"Alright if you drop dead it ain't my fault" Mikey said starting the engine and abruptly starting off , making the (h/c)nette panic and grab back onto the blonde's waist

"I thought you didn't need my help" Mikey said while yelling to be heard over the sound of the engine

(Y/n) just leaned his head on Mikey's back humming something

When they arrived (Y/n) cursed at Mikey for making him ride his bike

Making their way to the front , Draken seemed to observe something was wrong with the two from the way (Y/n) was trying to shake Mikey off his back

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