Part 6 : Dumb ideas

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lol- soo idk how rankings work tbh i dont undertand how im so high in siblings rank i dont mind but stil 

anyways ... vote or jail /j


(Y/n) was listening to the older's Haitani ideas .. well they were bad , but at least he said something unlike the other two males here 

"then we make him work for us or else we cut his di-" Ran was interrupted by (Y/n) whom glared at him while covering his mouth 

"we aren't kidnapping anyone nor cutting anything off" (y/n) said while sitting back on the couch , Kakucho finally seemed to have an idea since he suddenly got up 

"then how about we make him willingly join?" the two color eyed boy said while looking at his brother "I'm in touch with one of his friends , if we can convince him to join us we got the money part covered ... after all Kokonoi is knows for his technique to gain money" 

The Haitani's seemed pretty pleased by the idea after how their face were only but big grins , mostly Ran , Rindou avoids showing any emotion besides annoyance and anger 

"(Y/n).."  the younger Haitani asked while glancing at (y/n) whom only turned his head towards Rin

"Shinichiro was close with his other siblings right? ..then Mikey must be upset and angry" Rindou said while glaring at his older brother "and for all he was Izana who killed Shinichiro , this might cause us problems" 

"don't worry , if he will ask for a fight he will get it " (y/n) said while staring at the floor "plus his 1st division captain was there , he will believe his words if he says Izana didn't do it" the (h/c)nette said while glancing up at Rindou 

"Its too much to worry about to be honest , if they want to fight then lets fight" Ran said while patting his younger brother , Rindou just smacked his hand off of him then glared back at (y/n) 

"We will get in contact with some people from Roppongi to help us , then we will leave the money matter to you Kakucho" Rindou said while shaking hands with both males in front of him 

"Yea , hope he agrees" Kakucho said with a smile 

"if not I get the ropes" Ran said while cocking a smile making the other males in the room lose hope in him 

"he isnt as bad as one crazy blonde we know" Rindou said while heading to the exit "anyways , if he doesnt agree.." Rindou took a break and chuckles "threaten him , cut his fingers off , or his money somethins anything" Rindou said while receiving a smile from his brother 

"See I aint the only one" Ran said while following his brother out 

"These idiots will kill me before I get to see Izana again" (Y/n) said while leaning on the backseat of the couch , humming slowly while Kakucho was sitting next to him staring at his brother "Kaku-kun , let's break in the prison and get Izana then leave" (Y/n) said softly 

"I told you to stop speaking whatever comes in your mouth" , Kakucho said while shifting closer to his brother 

"If Mikey finds us , we might get into trouble , he isn't known as invincible for nothing" (Y/n) said while slowly closing his eyes , tiredness overcoming him from sleepless nights trying to find a way to get Izana out 

Upon seeing his brother drifting to sleep , he went by his side and helped him walk back to his room to sleep , he was sad about the ravenette's death but he couldn't lose his cool , he had to take care of his older brother 

Usually the older one looks out for the younger , but sometimes the roles switch. He closed the door behind him and walked in their 'living room' if you could call it that 

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