Returning To America.

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Thursday March 12th 1912, I received a letter from home today from my stepfather Fredrick, he wrote and told me my mother was sick with consumption that I needed to get home as quickly as possible. I wrote back telling them I would be home as quickly as I could. I had spent their meagre money on lodgings to stay in Belfast for the last couple of years. I decided to come to Ireland after my mother married Fredrick, I have family here. My mother's family were born in Ireland, I was born in the states, but I felt the pull towards Ireland when Fredrick came into the picture. My beau at the time was a great man named Henry, he tried to get me on many steam liners back home, they were booked full. I finally got a ticket on Titanic, the grandest ship in the world. Henry wouldn't allow me to travel in steerage which I would've been happy with, but Henry booked me a ticket in first class. It wouldn't have mattered to me, as long as I got home and seen my mother before she died. I was warned by Henry's father that I wouldn't be able to hold her hand, I would need to observe her from a distance. I took his advice as he was right. We had a few days, Henry, myself and our chaperone went shopping for clothes for me. Henry's father gave him £500 to buy clothes and hats, fit for first class ladies.

I want to tell you something before I forget, Henry a Protestant, me a Catholic were being observed by his family, to make sure we courted as any respectable lady should. This was unheard of in Ireland during that era, that's not to say the two religions never had a union in matrimony, the difference with us, Henry and his family wouldn't hear of me changing my religion. They want Henry to join me back in the US, but only once we're married. After Henry and I had been shopping, we were to go to his house, while his mother seen me in the new clothes. Mrs Gold dressed me as she would her own daughter, she had a few gifts for me, she gave me fur shawls, for the cold evenings on the boat deck, diamonds she no longer wore. I looked as rich as the passengers I was about to meet. Mrs Gold began to weep, she sat me down and she said this, "Josie darling, don't be alarmed at what I'm about to say, but I had a bad dream about that ship. It's heading for disaster." I was a little shocked as it usually me that comes up with those fancies, but my future mother in law, a stern woman but she's a very caring woman. I put her mind at ease by telling her that I'll make it home and soon she, Mr Gold and my beloved Henry will be in the US. Mrs Gold put her arms around me as a mother would and tells me that she will be delighted to join myself and my family in a couple of months. Mrs Gold told me that she can't wait to leave this divided country, once my future in-laws sell their mills, they would be right behind me.

I spent the evening at the Golds, we had some wonderful food and drink. Mr Gold regaling us about his property sales, he sold five out of the fifteen mills, enough to amass his fortune even greater. Mr Gold gave me an envelope of money, money I didn't count in his sight, they had already gave me so much. Once the meal was over, Henry and his father excused themselves for a cigar and brandy, Mrs Gold was tired, she wanted a nap. I was in the room that Mrs Gold set up for me, i began counting the money, there was nearly £1000 in cash, it had a note saying that it should be used as a down payment on a house for when they would arrive on US shores. The days were coming fast, I would soon have to travel down to Cork to get on the ship. Mrs Gold and I packed my things, she gave me her old travelling chests, extremely expensive, she told me she bought them in Paris. Henry and I would have one full day without a chaperone, he would travel with me to Cork, Mrs Gold gave me her mother's rosary beads, I kissed my future father in-laws cheek and thanked him for everything. I could see the worried look on Mrs Gold's face. Henry and I's carriage was packed, we soon made our way to the train. Henry and I were soon on the train and on our way to Cork. The journey was long, but Henry had organised a coach to take me to the ship. It was then I broke down, I would miss my Henry. Henry didn't show much in the way of emotions, but his eyes showed me how much he would miss me. The ship was magnificent, as I walked up the gangway, handing over my ticket, the staff took my luggage to my staterooms, the opulence, the grandeur. It was almost too much to bear at times. The first few minutes on the ship after leaving my things in my room, I ran to the deck as I knew my Henry would be waiting to wave me off, but I wouldn't be able to see him. I had to get a small boat to the main vessel. I made my way to the telegram office, I wanted Henry to have a heartfelt message from me, along with Mr and Mrs Gold, they have been amazing to me.

We sat at Queenstown for a few hours, by this time it was almost time for my first formal dinner alone. I had to try and make friends on this journey, I couldn't be alone, I would be worried about my mother the entire time. I was given a maid for my journey, her name was Ruth, she helped me dress, she introduced me to women my age, some travelling alone, others with their husbands. I was escorted into the grand restaurant, there was a seat kept for me, my new friend Agatha and her daughter swore they would take me under their wing until we reached New York. The group asking me who I was, what was my parents line of business. I knew how to mimic being rich, I told them my father is a builder of railroads, they never questioned it. When I spoke of Mr and Mrs Gold, they knew them right away, they didn't appreciate they sent me alone. I told them I am old enough to look after myself. Agathas stepdaughter was the same age as her and I. Clarissa and I wondered the ship after dinner. The food was amazing, the drinks were flowing and the men retreated to a smoking room, the women gathered to idly gossip about other women onboard, I don't take part in such conversations as my mother always taught me it was rude to speak Ill of others. Agatha, Clarissa and I walked along the promenade that first evening. We watched second and third class passengers passing their evening in the clear evening. My maid Ruth came for me with a fur, one gifted to me by a very rich lady onboard, she wished to remain anonymous. Agatha and Clarissa were tired and their staterooms were close to mine, we called it a night and promised to meet for breakfast. Agatha told me while Clarissa went to powder her nose, that Clarissa is engaged, that she doesn't truly love the man, that if possible to try change her mind. I of course won't get involved in a love story that isn't mine.

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