Like It Was The First Time.

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The grandfather clock began to chime at 6:30pm, as it did there was a knock on the door, it was Josephine and Kenneth, Kenneth lifted his nose and said, "smells delicious, what is it?" Elisa shouts from the kitchen, it's a stew, one that you'll both love, my butcher gave me the recipe. I led my daughter and Kenneth to the dining room, Josephine sat down and soon started talking about her father, I looked at her with tears in my eyes and she stopped. Elisa brought some of the food to the table and kissed them both on the cheek. Elisa then went to the kitchen to fetch the rest of the food, one that contained a potion that would subdue them until I got information out of Josephine's head. I waited as they both fell fast asleep, I watched as they both became sleepy, soon they were face down on the table. I had Elisa take Josephine down to the cellar, we locked her in a room we had prepared before they arrived, we both struggled to lift Kenneth to the couch, he was a dead weight asleep. I knew the potion would keep them asleep for a long time, long enough for us to get the information we needed. That was the major question, what information would we need?

Elisa kept topping up Kenneth with the potion I made, while I worked on Josephine. I went down to the cellar, Josephine was beginning to stir, I topped her up with more of the potion. Josephine fell into a deeper slumber. I got into her head and watched how she spent time with her father, how he was like he was on earth a gentleman, he even showed her how to tap into her powers, she as far as I could tell she couldn't do it, he told her they would keep practicing. I was right that she hid her powerful side from us, she was having instructions sent from her father for years. I had to magically seal her into the cellar and we brought Kenneth down to join her, this would mean her father wouldn't be able to reach her on demand. Elisa came up with a cover story, she told Mrs Simpson that Josephine and Kenneth took an impromptu trip to New York. We had to work fast, I discovered Astaroth's lair, I decided that I would get down there, with a dagger made from the bone of a Saint. Elisa and i took a trip to Mexico and found a Saint buried in a tomb, we took a piece of her rib, i fashioned it into a dagger, the dagger just needed to pierce his skin and it would kill him forever. I discovered he was despised by lower level beings that hated him just as much. Elisa told me we needed to get them onside with our plan, so we found Azarack's brother, he was disgusted that Astaroth had him killed, he would be the perfect candidate to get close to him, he couldn't wield the blade as it would kill him too, but he said he would anyway. The being wanted to be out of the lair, he wanted peace. We were happy to give it to him.

Elisa and I were finished making the potion, we drank it and woke up in the lair of the beings. Azarack's brother Ammonus met us and brought us near Astaroth's lair, he called out for him, at first he didn't come, then he came out and seen us, we finally seen his true form, he wasn't ugly like the books say, like Azarack and Ammonus they looked exactly like men. Astaroth smiled then said, "well, well, well. Look at what we have here, a stupid man, sorry woman dressed in mens clothing and my former paramour. What brings you two idiots down here? If you're looking for Josephine, she's not here, in fact she's been not returning my messages for days now." I replied, "I know exactly where she is, she's at home safe and sound with her husband. You on the other hand are no longer safe." Astaroth laughed, "you think I fear two stupid humans, as for you Ammonus, how dare you bring them to my lair. I'll deal with you later." Ammonus replied, "you're a disgrace to our kind, you impregnated a human, you're trying to take her away from two people that love her, you also killed my one and only brother because of your mistake. That and you're a liar, you did know about the souls. Azarack told me of your plan, this was all a ruse to get topside permanently." It lowered his guard, Ammonus lunged towards him and sliced a cut so deep into his arm, that both he and Ammonus went up in flames. Elisa and I woke up in our lounge. The fact that we had to tell Josephine that we killed her father. Elisa reminded me what I already thought of she would already know. Elisa went down to the cellar and the couple were still fast asleep, she gave them a potion that all she had to do was rub it on their lips, they both woke up and Josephine was so angry, she looked at Elisa and said, "mother, you and Josie made a huge mistake, you both killed my father. Don't worry, I won't be telling New Orleans that my father is not my father and it's a woman in male clothing, just yet." We have been in New Orleans a very long time, we know who we can trust and who will be disgusted by us, but we always had a back up plan that if we were ever found out, that we would move back to New York to our house that we decided to buy again. Kenneth took a little longer to return to the land of the living, he was dazed and confused. I don't believe he heard everything.

Josephine and Kenneth had a driver take them home, they were still drowsy from the potion. Josephine had her full powers, she said on her way out the door, "mother, father. If I were you, I would be watching my back." Elisa said, "I think when we killed her father that she received his full powers?" Elisa was learning witchcraft fast, faster than I ever picked it up. Elisa swore then and there that she will pick up the books I learned from, she knew enough to strip away the powers she received, I'm grateful she sat with me listening to me study. Elisa and I decided not to have contact with Josephine and Kenneth for a while, at least until Elisa learned the basics. Elisa picked everything up faster than I expected, she knew every herb and their properties, she learned all about crystal magick overnight. So quickly she was a practicing witch, i asked the coven to accept her, we told them of our troubles they promised to help in anyway they could, the upside was they knew I was a woman in male clothing. I never had to explain myself to them. The coven couldn't believe what a natural she was, they told us that we would all work together to bind Josephine's magick. There was some that thought that her powers if used correctly, they would make the coven stronger, but they faced harsh opposition as her powers came from a lower vibrational being. The relief was that we finally had help. We were finally on the right road. The coven told us to just go about our lives and when the time was right, we would apprehend Josephine and strip her of her powers. That evening we went home and for the first time in a long time we made love, we made love like it was the first time.

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