Husband And Wife.

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It's been months since Elisa disappeared with Astaroth. I have studied over and over but there's one final option, contacting the devil himself. I read that I would have to offer him something, I could offer him a queen, I know he has one. I had to find away to get his attention, I decided to just call out to him, he came and demanded to know why I wanted an audience, I told him his second in command has taken a human to the underworld, a living breathing human. The devil laughed, he then said, "he did what? He brought a human to our lairs?" The devil was beautiful, not as depicted, he was kind and understanding and he promised he would get her back on earth. Days passed, weeks passed then suddenly Elisa was in my living room, she was furious, she said, "why am I being pushed and pulled between dimensions? I love being with Astaroth." I was astonished, what has been going on down there I asked myself? Send me back, I need to be with my husband. When Elisa said that, it was like being punched in a gut. I begged her to stay, telling her that, "he possessed your body in your younger years, he's been stalking you ever since. He used me to get to you."

Elisa began to cry, then she finally mumbled, "what? He was inside me? How is that possible?" I explained to her how he possessed her, how he used me to lure her into his arms. That i had to contact the devil himself to get her back. Elisa looked up, eyes red and still trying to defend her husband, replied, "but he's been good to me. I'm a queen to him." I made her a cup of camomile tea to calm her down, I looked at her and said, "do you want to live in darkness the rest of your life?" Elisa's face told me that she didn't. I then said, "you won't be sent back, those were your last moments with him, the devil will deal with your husband." Elisa looked sad, he must've been treating her well. I explained to her that the devil told me that this has happened before, which is why he stopped his high ranking demons possessing people. Elisa looked deflated, she looked hurt, she looked as though there was a vast injustice that happened to her. There was, I took her away from someone she loved. Elisa told me she was tired, I brought her to her room and she slid into bed and said, "I didn't have a bed this comfortable down there. I loved being in his arms, I will miss him." I told her to get some sleep and she'll feel better in the morning. Then I remembered about the priest, I walked to the church while Elisa was asleep. I got to the church and he wasn't there. I ran home, he was in my home holding a knife to her throat threatening to kill her. It was then I discovered he was possessed too. I had potions made up, I threw the potion and the demon fell to the floor from his body. The demon begging for his life, I'm sure this demon was a lower level demon, he was petrified. Then in a flash of light he was gone, the priest was visibly shaken, I asked them both how they both were? The priest didn't know why he was there and holding a knife, he dropped it and collapsed on the floor. Elisa although she was in shock went to his aid, she slapped him on the face and he woke up. The priest was confused and I finally got to explain it to him. The priest told me he didn't believe in demons. Flabbergasted a priest that didn't believe in demons. It was then it finally hit Elisa, she said, "I'm disgusted by that, how can they do that? This man was just a priest, I was a young lady, what I just witnessed, is what my life would've ended up. You were right to pull me back, thank you Josie, thank you."

The days passed, Elisa was in her room most of the time, she did miss him, but she was growing to loathe him. I told her how the Titanic was part of a pact. Elisa replied, "you're telling me that ship sank because of a pact?" I told her it was partly the case, I continued explaining, "but the ships owner needed money to build it, he asked a demon to help him, the demon in return wanted 3,000 souls, Mr Ismay refused to have enough lifeboats for all onboard. That demon got 1,500 souls. The same demon tried to strong arm me into killing 700 more people, I refused and I went to the underworld, I spoke with I'm sorry to mention his name but Astaroth helped and had that demon tried and killed. Astaroth still wouldn't have me off the hook, he used me to get to you. I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused you." Elisa was in shock, but she was now thinking more rationally. Elisa asked me if she could stay a while longer? I told her she could, then she said, "why are you wearing men's suits and why have you cut your hair?" I explained how it was easier for me to wander the city, but I now enjoyed the clothes, rather than dresses. Elisa smiled, a real smile, she was even blushing as she said it, she said, "you look handsome." I was taken aback, but I felt this rushing in the pit of my stomach, it was like when Henry told me loved me, but not quite the same. It now felt like she was getting back on track. I began to believe that the worst was over. It was now my time to live, I had to now work on Elisa, I knew she wasn't like me, but something told me she didn't want to leave my side. I believed that to be fear, I believe it's Elisa coming to terms with all that's happened. Suddenly another blow, Elisa told me she was late, I asked her how long, she told me she didn't know as the time since being back and while down there it was all a little hazy. We both made an appointment for the doctor, the doctor would look down upon her, so I gave her my old wedding ring, I put on mine and we walked to the doctors office. The doctor examined her, she was almost four months pregnant, the doctor asked if I was her husband, I had to lie, I told him I was. The doctor congratulated us both, but I had learned that baby would be half demon, but I know how much she loved him, i wouldn't push her, but I think she already knew. I promised her I would support her, she said, "Josie, you've already done so much for me, how can I ever repay you?" I replied by saying, "Elisa, it's been my pleasure to have you in my home, by my side and I'll be with you until this baby is born, that's if you want to keep it?" Elisa replied, "I wasn't sure, but I need to know if this baby will be half like his father?" I told her that it's a possibility. I asked her, "did you both make love before your marriage, as a human?" Elisa replied, "yes, we did. When we went to that hotel." Relief swept over me, the human man's sperm would make the baby full human. Elisa and I discussed that we would have to now live as husband and wife. Elisa agreed, she even moved her things into my room, it was strange to have someone next to me, but it became fun. We both enjoyed the same books, we read at night, we ate together and it truly felt like a marriage. At night she lay in my arms, she thought I was asleep one night, she began touching herself, she mumbled my name, I could tell from her writhing she climaxed. If it was only really me touching her.

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