Hell And Back.

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I managed to keep Elisa at my home for a few days, I'm relieved my clothes fitted her. I couldn't have her leaving and the plan failing. I was apprehensive, I was nervous, I was scared. I heard a knock on the door, I knew it was him, he came in, he was handsome, dressed in a beautiful tailored suit, he was very polite and he came as Elisa was in the lady's room. Elisa was finally finished, she came out as Astaroth was sitting in the armchair by the fire staring into it, Astaroth stood up and held out his hand as to introduce himself, Elisa held out her hand and he kissed it, like a proper gentleman. I was impressed, he treated her well. Elisa then goes silent for a few seconds, she says, "hello, I'm Elisa, have we ever met before?" Astaroth replies, "we haven't, but I'm Edward, it's a pleasure to meet you." You could tell Elisa was swooning, but I finally got into her head, she definitely felt like she  knew him. I had remembered from Elisa and i's conversations, she had no family to speak of in New Orleans, when Edward asked her to join him for lunch, she accepted quickly. I got her a dress to wear, i fastened her corset, fixed her hair, gave her a hat to match the dress, Edward had pre organised a lunch in a cafe a few blocks away from my house.

Edward or should I say Astaroth thanked me, they walked arm in arm out for lunch. I sat waiting for hours, for them to return but they didn't return. I took a coach to her house, I got no response. I then went to the cafe and asked if they had seen them, the lady told me that they were there, but they left hours ago. I then picked up where they went next, they took a walk around the park. I didn't see any sign of them. It hit me, he's taken her to the underworld. Astaroth must've picked up on the fact that he couldn't read my thoughts. I needed to find a way to get to the underworld, I needed to search for her. I knew for me to get her, is to kill Astaroth, but I said to myself, 'how am I to kill a demon?' I don't have such powers, or did I? I read all I could, I practiced for months, then I suddenly got a read on her, she wasn't in the underworld at all, she was local but hidden. Why would he hide her? I decided that I would search for her. I dressed in male clothes and walked the streets like a man. I found where they were staying, it was in a hotel, I could view into the room they were in bed, they looked as though they just fornicated, she was smiling, he was elated. I didn't want Astaroth to know I was near, I walked away from the hotel and I walked straight to the church.

I walked into the priest on my way there, he said something, he said, "I've been sensing evil in this city for days now. Is there a demon loose?" I found this odd, is this priest a demon as well? I couldn't read him, he was definitely the same priest or at least looked like the priest I confessed my sins to. I decided to lie, "I asked him how would I know?" The priest walked away, walking towards the hotel where I found Astaroth and Elisa. I decided to follow him, but I needed to be careful. It then occurred to me, men had tipped their hats to me all day, they seen me as a man, why did this priest see me as me? I went back to the hotel, I told the staff after enquiring were they still there, they told me they were after I pretended to be her brother. It felt good dressed as a man. I liked my dresses, I loved all my fine things, but being dressed in male clothing showed the world in a different light to me. I decided to have my hair cut, I had my long golden locks made into a hair piece. It had been days since Astaroth took off with Elisa, but I felt my powers inside growing. I couldn't do some of the things Sarah could do, like levitate things, but I was on the right track. I was undressing and I heard my door knock, it was Elisa, she was alone. I put on my hair piece, I put on a dressing gown, i fly downstairs to open the door. Elisa came in, but she was different, she didn't have the light in her eyes she usually had, I asked her what's wrong? Elisa began crying, i held her and she told me that she had told Edward to leave her for a little while, she wanted to get to know him slowly. I don't think she was telling me the truth, I asked her where she had been for days? Elisa said, "I'll be honest, I really like him, but I mess all my relationships up, I don't want him to lose patience with me." I told her that if she really likes him, then she can take her time, that I was sure Edward has lots of patience. Elisa began smiling then says, "are you sure? What if he forgets i exist in our time apart?" I had to get him out of the picture, I asked her where he was? Elisa said, "he's at the hotel, he bought me  lots of new clothes, I left them at the hotel." I told her I'll draw her a bath, then some food. While Elisa was in the bath, I went back to the hotel, I had made a potion, I could slip it into his drink and he would fall into a deep sleep. I needed him asleep for what I was about to do. I wrote my own incantation, one that would send him back to the underworld, then he wouldn't be able to return. I knew this would hurt her, but she would have me to comfort her. As I made my way to the hotel, I sensed he wasn't there. I walked past the staff and went straight to his room, I poured the potion into the bottle of whiskey on his nightstand. I left and sat across the road, I watched as he returned with a jewellery bag, he must be expecting her back. I watched as he poured a whiskey and drank it, then another and another. The last one did it, he was out cold, I guess the glamour he used is really human, I went back to the hotel and said the incantation outside the room. I watched below the door, the room lit up like a candle, I opened the door, he was gone.

I went back to the house, I shouted out to Elisa, she was gone too. I wasn't away long enough for her to have got dressed and left. Then it hit me, he's always had a link to her, he's took her with him. Astaroth would've known I was studying witchcraft, he was prepared for this. I was at a loss as to what to do next. I had to study further as I know Astaroth would be ready, but so would I. I don't want Elisa to be in a cave in the underworld, I want her here with me, I won't be giving up without a fight. I will fight for her, I can't stop thinking about her, I will go to hell and back to get her.

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