Turning The Tables.

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It's been around two weeks since I last seen Azarack, I have a feeling his master has finally reprimanded him. I now have a feeling that Astaroth will now be my on my case, but I shan't let it worry me. I have a great teacher in Sarah, she has been a rock of late. Sarah told me after a meditation session, that she sees me in several years, in love with a gorgeous woman and we'll be happy, but she sees an upheaval for sometime, but I already knew this. I was becoming more aware of who I really was by the time I was being taught. I began to see glimpses of my future, I began to see the woman that would show me the world and become my world for as long as we both lived. I knew that I would be on the ride of my life for a while. Then boom, I received a visit from Astaroth personally, he wanted me to come down to the underworld and act as a witness in the trial of Azarack. I was like a shrinking violet, I was trembling just by hearing him speak. I finally got the courage up to say, "how will I get there?" He replied, "Josie, you're coming with me now, I'll have you home in a few hours."

Seconds later, I was in a cave like place, it had all these beings around me, there was a human looking man, he was the judge, I sensed he was human, I didn't want to know why he was there, I wanted to know how long this was going to take? I was petrified but Astaroth could sense this and he put me at ease. They brought out Azarack in chains, they placed him in a cage, they began the trial. I was called by the judge as a witness to his dealings and how he wanted me to complete a deal he had with someone else. I gave my account and Astaroth told me that he sensed I was being truthful, the judge was told to pass sentence and Astaroth read the man's mind and they sentenced him to death. I assumed they would imprison him, then kill him, but Astaroth set him ablaze then and there. I knew this demon was bad news and I felt bad for him. This impressed Astaroth, he said, "you had compassion for a being that harassed and stalked you. He wanted you to kill for him. Yet, you still felt bad for him. I take it humans are not so bad after all?" I said, "so, I can go home now?" He replied, "of course, but I want you to help me with something. I'll take you home and explain." I was perplexed, what could I do for him? He was powerful, what could I do that he couldn't? We arrived back at my home, he was a handsome human, he was a shapeshifter, he can disguise himself as anything, he then said, "this is what I want you to do for me." Astaroth put an image into my head, he said, "you seen that woman, I want her to be my wife. I have tried to woo her. The woman is stubborn, the good thing is, you won't have to travel. The woman, her name Elisa Gregory, she lives here in New Orleans, I've been in love with her since I took possession of her body decades ago." I looked at him, "that's creepy, she looks in her early forties, but if I can help you, like you helped me, this will be the last you'll ever see of me?" I thought, ok, how am I to get this woman to fall for someone that possessed her?

Astaroth left, I went to see Sarah and she had already seen. I told her that I needed her help, but she said, "I'm out of this, sending you to the underworld and teaching you witchcraft is one thing, but to encourage a woman to fall for a demon, is where I draw a line." I got it, but I thought, if she won't help, what she taught me, will help. I tracked down Elisa, I approached her like any lady would to ask for directions. Elisa walked me to the destination, I told her I would like to thank her. Elisa said, "it's no trouble at all, I wasn't busy today. I think we could have a tea as a thank you?" I thought this is the best opportunity, I had with me a potion, I slipped it into her tea. I would go home and contact Astaroth. I would tell him the potion is a love potion and if he turns up as a human, she wasn't married after our long conversation, she would fall for him. Astaroth laughed, "oh my, you are creative. I guess that's how you got the Gold family jewels?" I laughed along with him, who would've thought that a sinking on the Atlantic would bring all this into my life. Later that night, I was in bed, I was exhausted, I heard a knock on my door, with almost no staff in the house, I had to answer myself, I opened it and Elisa was there, I was confused I'm sure I didn't share my address with her. I knew I didn't. I opened the door, I asked, "how did you know my address? Why are you here?" Elisa replied, "I was in bed, I was dreaming about this beautiful man, he whispered get up and come to this house." I opened the door further, she came in and asked me did he live here? I said, "I live alone, but you're welcome to stay for a while, it's late and a lady shouldn't be wandering the streets at this time of the night." Elisa came in, she took her gloves off and sat down, she said, "was I dreaming? Who is this beautiful man?" I pretended to know nothing, but she said she would stay a little while as she finds the dream strange as she felt like she knew him. I know she knew him, he possessed her body once. I called out for Astaroth to come, but he said, "I will be there in the morning, stall her for as long as possible." I told him I would, then it became clear to me, this is the woman that I would end up with, I knew she was familiar but her veil on her hat hid her face until she took it off in the house. This is the turbulence I'll soon see and feel. I was attracted to her, she was a beauty, I'm not surprised that Astaroth fell for her. It became even more clear, that I would need to take down a demon to get what I wanted and what I wanted was her. I would let this play out and will keep her here until Astaroth came, i made a potion to keep him out of my head. I can't have him in my thoughts, he will ask, but at least I have my witchcraft as a smokescreen to hide behind. I know he will believe that, I also need to learn how to get into his head, I guess when he is with Elisa, I'll learn how. I now know my destiny, when the stars align, it'll be right. I gave Elisa a bed for the night, I told her my staff are away and I'll bring her breakfast, Elisa replied, "you're a great person, thank you. I have no one expecting me at home." I felt so sorry for her, but I knew exactly how she felt.

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