Will The Curse Ever End.

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Elisa and I were at a loss, our little girl was travelling all around Europe, sending us postcards from every place they visited. They were telling us how beautiful these places were, the people were great to them, we finally had word of when they would return, we were told about a man in Germany named Hitler that was espousing very racial and hateful views. We learned after their return that they didn't visit Germany because of him, not because they were afraid, but they couldn't listen to the ramblings of that man, a man that would begin another war. I was delighted they didn't, I didn't want them swayed to the same views. I had a dream that Josephine would come home pregnant, she wouldn't be happy about it. The last postcard they sent was from Spain, they were booking on a ship to return in the next couple of weeks. We couldn't wait to have them home, Mrs Simpson couldn't wait to have her son home, she had received word from family in Germany that they were planning on moving back to America. Things I knew would get worse, I had began reading the newspapers about Hitler and I finally seen a picture of him, i soon warned Elisa that there'll be another war because of him, in 1939. I did my best to warn people, but of course no one would believe me, except the witch community I belonged to.

The newlyweds are home, they came to see us on a quick visit before going to their own house, I was delighted to see my daughter and son in-law. Josephine looked radiant, she looked like she was settling into married life well, Kenneth was a match for her in so many ways, he supported her decision to go into the music industry, New Orleans is the home of Jazz, she began writing music for local musicians and they played her music in the bars, soon she was getting invites to join musicians to play her music while they sang it, it was wonderful. Mrs Simpson really wanted her to be bearing children by now, but her son scolded her, he told her that they weren't ready yet. Mr Simpson senior agreed and told her there'll be lots of time for children. Mrs Simpson slunk into her own despair, she felt she wouldn't live to see any grandchildren. We understood, even though we were younger than the Simpsons, but they had Kenneth when Mrs Simpson was in her late 20's. I think this is why he was onboard with not having children so soon. I sensed that she definitely wasn't pregnant. Elisa I know didn't want grandchildren yet, she felt too young. Mrs Simpson then had a further issue, she didn't like the fact that she was putting her music before her marriage, but again her son told her to watch her tongue. Our daughters name was now on the lips of the people in New Orleans, they loved her talent, she was now getting requests from people across the country to write music for them, Kenneth was very supportive, he even put his own life on hold to support his wife's life. We were happy, Mrs Simpson not so much, but they couldn't have pleased her no matter what they did.

Their first anniversary was about to embark upon them, Josephine was doing amazing work, Kenneth took over his uncles business, he was a building contractor, he built houses and factories, mainly factories of industry, he never built small houses, but huge mansions. The house that the Simpsons and I built for our daughter and Kenneth, began to get bigger, they soon had more modern things added to it, it became their dream home. It was a bad year that year weather wise, we were lucky our house was all brick, but Josephine and Kenneth's was mainly wood, a hurricane levelled it. We moved them into our home for a little while until they rebuilt a new one, they had it rebuilt in a matter of weeks with Kenneth and his colleagues. Mrs Simpson was having regular trips to the doctor, she wasn't do so good, we were all worried about her. I noticed a significant change in her after I expelled Astaroth, I have no idea how long he was inhabiting her body, I have no doubt it caused damage, damage a doctor couldn't fix. I had an idea but she was very religious, but she did live in a city that had every form of witchcraft the world had ever known. I decided to try and fix her without her knowledge, it's a simple fix, but she can't know about it. I made a mixture of herbs, i labelled the jar herbs de provence, I told her to use them when she was cooking. A few weeks passed and I noticed her trips to the doctor became less and less frequent. I sensed she was making progress, even Mr Simpson couldn't believe how quickly she became better. Life was good, but I had a visit from an old witch friend, she told me that trouble is ahead for our family. I asked her what it was, but she wasn't prepared to tell me. I had to prepare again for another strange sequence of events. I soon learned what it would be, it's definitely something to do with Josephine and her real father. I don't believe it's Astaroth himself, but the man he used to seduce Elisa. I knew the man was a New Orleans local, i often wondered what happened to him after he was expelled.

I believe that after my friends visit that Astaroth left a memory of Elisa somewhere in his mind. I have a feeling this man will come searching for Elisa, a problem we can't afford. Then another thing entered my thoughts, maybe she was Astaroth's child after all? Although I couldn't sense anything bad from her, that's not to say she couldn't hide it. Why would he hound us? It began to make sense, Elisa will be heartbroken to learn the news, so to find out for sure I needed Josephine alone, I needed privacy with her. I sent a message boy to her house asking her to visit me urgently, I knew Elisa would be having tea with Mrs Simpson around noon. The house would be empty, I could get into her head. I had a message returned from Josephine that she was busy, she was writing a new piece of music for a new band. I found this odd, we had seen her yesterday, she never mentioned it to us, it's something she definitely would've told us about. I'm also wondering is this the reason she didn't come home pregnant, something we all thought would've been the case? I decided to go to her, I knew Kenneth would be working on a building project, I knew she would be alone. As I approached the house, I heard no piano music playing. I didn't want to just let myself in, I knocked and there was no response. I let myself in, she was stood on the stairs, she said, "father, I sent your errand boy back with a message, I am busy. What is it?" Josephine had this look on her face, a look I had never seen before. I was about to turn on my heels and walk out the door, but she ran down the stairs with haste. Josephine slammed the door, she said, "into the living room father, I have something to say, you're not going to like it, but I'll say it anyway." I asked her to continue, she replied, "father, you've been great to me and I love you immensely, but my actual father has called out to me, I know what he is, I know what i am too." I was stunned, i asked, "what is it you think you are?" Josephine replies, "father, I'm half human, half of my real father. A being from another realm. I would like to meet him." I told her it was out of the question, but she answered with, "father, I'm a married woman now, I can do as i please." I walked out the door horrified, I knew then that I had to tell Elisa.

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