When Sadness Turned To Joy.

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We were back in New Orleans, it was the day of the funeral, I was shaking, but I had Kenneth and Julianna with me. My heart broke with so much pain, I'm lucky to have Kenneth and Julianna. We went to the church, the priest was new but he heard from the papers that Elisa and I were lesbians, he tried and failed to have me ejected from the church. I had more support in New Orleans than I expected, I had some issues but nothing grave. The speeches were over, the final one given by the director, his name was Arnold, his eulogy got to me the most. The service ended beautifully, it was over fast, the braying media awaited outside, but as soon as the director of Josephine's latest film seen them, he told me to stay with him and he'll bring me with him to his hotel, he wants to discuss a possible movie about my life. I told him once the wake was finished, he said, "I'll take you home, they'll not approach me." I agreed and got into his car with Julianna and Kenneth. We made our way back to the house, it began to fill up with people, some i knew some i didn't. The director named Frank told me that some of the mourners were journalists in disguise. Frank ushered them out of the house and told them that he wouldn't give another interview if they didn't stop harassing me.

The media left New Orleans, the house soon emptied, the pictures and portraits of our daughter and my wife, even her scent filled the room. Kenneth and I were worried about Julianna, she hadn't wept once. Although I knew once all these people disappeared, she would break down. I noticed as Julianna slipped into our bedroom, she closed the door and told us to leave her alone for awhile. I nodded towards Kenneth as he knew she wanted to weep in solitude. Julianna unlike her mother and father, she was quite stern, I have no doubt her nursing has taught her to be tough especially when it comes to death. I never thought she would be this cold when it came to her mother. I also remembered, my grimoires were in that room, I wonder is she reading them. Would she try and resurrect my daughter and my wife? I didn't want to read her, I wanted her to have a modicum of privacy, I know the world will descend upon us once we write a book or make a film. If she tried this, it would cause us even more problems. I decided to give her an hour, i told Kenneth that i needed to go and check on her. I walked into my old bedroom, a room i no longer sleep in, i was right, she was reading my grimoire, she was looking for a resurrection spell, i didn't have one but she swore she would find one. I told her that she won't be resurrecting her mother and grandmother. Julianna like my wife and her mother, once she made her mind up she will never change it. I love my granddaughter, but i can't let her do this. I remembered how she healed her father, it finally occurred to me, she had the blood of Astaroth in her genetics. I seriously thought we were passed all this, but I highly doubt she will get far with it.

Julianna flew back to LA with Kenneth a few days later, i was alone in this huge house. I smelled my beautiful wife's scent all over it, it was her way of showing me she was still around me. I wasn't a trained medium, but I could feel her close. I knew from the books I'd read, my wife would wander earth for as long as she feels like it, then she will pass over, I don't want her to, but I wanted to make sure she was at peace. I took out a spirit board one evening, she said her goodbyes on that, i asked her where Josephine was? Elisa told me that Josephine had already passed on and to keep an eye on Julianna, she is currently travelling the earth asking for help to resurrect us, tell her to let us be. I didn't want to tell Julianna this through message or the phone, i know from talking with Elisa, that even if she did attempt it, it was too late. Julianna needs to find out for herself. Arnold Johnson the director of Josephine's film, one they had managed to finish before she died, asked me to come to LA for a private screening. Mr Johnson wanted to interview me for a book, he is certain that the book will lead to a movie eventually, but he doesn't know when, he swears that he will direct it. I told Arnold everything from start to finish, leaving out some details, but he knew from my answers i was hiding something. I took a huge breath, i told him about the demon realm, this excited him, he said, "wow, you know something Josie, i have always believed in them, I never thought they could come to earth and impregnate people." When i explained about the Titanic, he said something that surprised me, he said, "Josie, i was just a kid when that boat sank, i remember my mother telling me she had a dream my father would die on it, thankfully he didn't, he survived." It was then i believed that Mr Johnson and I were brought together for a reason, it was to tell my story. I didn't include my fake marriage to Henry, it would devastate any relatives of his, for which i knew he had many. Mr Arnold asked me to move to LA, I told him due to my sexuality, i couldn't, i had more freedom in New Orleans. Mr Johnson came and stayed with me in my house, he needed more for his book. It was strange having a man living in the house, Julianna wasn't pleased, she thought i was disrespecting her grandmothers memory, but nothing was going on with Arnold and i.

I ignored Julianna for a while, she needed to grieve, she needed to drop her hard surface, she needed to let go once and for all. Julianna wasn't a picnic, she was quite aggressive and angry in general, but she also had this loving and caring side to her. I had to apologise to Mr Johnson a few times for her arrogance, he was so understanding, he even suggested to move into a hotel. I told him he didn't have to, that the house was mine and Julianna has no claim on it, until i die. I was still finding it strange having a man in the house, he was a good looking man, but i wasn't attracted to him at first, then i woke one morning and i heard this whisper in my ear, it was Elisa's voice, she said, "he's in love with you, i can see you are attracted to him, if you're worried about what i would think? Then don't i just want to see you happy." I was finally awake, Arnold had made me breakfast, he had news for me, the book was finished and his friend a publisher, was highly interested. Arnold poured two glasses of Buck's Fizz, we drank and ate. The moment we finished breakfast, he reached across the table and touched my hand, i had the instinct to move it, but i didn't, he said, "Josie, I'm, I'm..." he couldn't finish the sentence, i asked, "what is it?" Arnold blushed, then finished he said, "i'm in love with you. I know you like women, but should you embark on a journey of love with me, you are free to enjoy yourself with any woman you desire." I didn't know what to reply with, then i finally said, "Arnold, i am attracted to you, if we ever took it further, i wouldn't ever cheat on you. Yes, i love to be with women, but when I'm with someone, I'm with them solely. We shall take it slowly." Arnold stopped blushing, we courted for months before taking the next step, we finally made it into Arnold's bedroom, one he kept spick and span, he bought some roses, lit some candles and champagne. We made love that night, it felt different having a man inside me, but he was gentle, he was tender, it was beautiful. It was that morning i smelled Elisa for the very last time. I believe she waited until that moment happened and she took her leave.

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