Black Widow.

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The filming was complete, I was nervous about how it would be received. Arnold reassured me that the press will be brutally honest and dishonest, to always read between the lines, that I'll see that many will like it without saying it outright. I read each paper after the films launch, like the book, it was banned in some states, some countries and some individual cinemas. It did extremely well in the box office, it garnered more money than some of the less controversial films of the day. Arnold and i faced the criticism head on, did we care? No, it made us rich. Extremely rich, we sent Julianna and Trudy a huge check, a thank you letter was sent, they told us that they would put the money to good use, i made sure Julianna protected her money, the lawyer advised her to invest it, to secure it should she and Trudy end their relationship. Although Trudy had no legal claim on it, she could however blackmail her into giving her money. I didn't trust Trudy a hundred percent, she always came off to me, as the way i was after i forged my wedding certificate to Henry Gold. I always thought that i wouldn't judge anyone by my standards, but there definitely was something off about her. I never mentioned this to Julianna, i got along with her for her sake.

Arnold and i went to St Tropez, we bought a house there, it was to be were we would spend the rest of our days. As we were heading to St Tropez, Arnold and i received devastating news, he too had cancer, but I knew he knew already and didn't want to tell me. It made sense he wanted the house out of the limelight, he didn't want to deteriorate in public, who could blame him. We decided we would hire the best nursing and doctor team there, but he just wanted some help and me for himself. I couldn't lose another, but i knew i couldn't interfere in fate. If he died i swore never to take another. In my late sixties, although i told everyone i was in my forties, i was still sexually active, i began to long for my own sex again. I took on a lover, i swore to myself i wouldn't fall in love again. I was still a married woman, but my husband was becoming sicker by the minute. One evening after sharing a small meal together, i took Arnold for a walk around our property, then down into the beach, he loved the warm sand between his toes and he vowed that very moment, that when it was his time, he would like to be on the beach. Arnold explained, he would like to be sat in a normal chair, with a scotch and a cigar, with me by his side. I knew it wouldn't be long, but the summers here were scorching, much hotter than New Orleans, he told that when he was ready, his code word would be beach. I stopped seeing my lover for a little while, she understood where i was at, that she would give me all the time we needed.

I woke up one morning and Arnold was awake, it seemed he had been for a while. I asked, "is all ok darling, i see you staring." Arnold with tears in his eyes said, "Josie, you have gave me some happy years, when we married, i knew I'd married you until death. I've been watching you sleep one last time. I also want to say this, if you meet another, make him or her your last. It's time for you to settle and forget about the past. I'll always be with you." I was still trying to come to, then he uttered, "beach." I knew what he meant, he got up from his wheelchair, he stood unsteadily with his sticks, i put on a robe and grabbed the beach bag, in which contained the scotch and cigars. We walked down our path, we got to the spot he adored, i unfolded the chair, he sat down and said, "this shall be the last time i see the sun, the sea and most importantly you." I poured him a scotch, he swiftly drank it, i lit his cigar, we began our conversation about everything, then i looked to my left where he was sitting and the cigar was in the sand and his eyes were closed, my Arnold was gone. I ran to the house and asked the maids to get help. A doctor was soon there, he took his vitals and took off his hat and said, "Mrs Johnson, he's gone. I need to take the body." I asked the doctor to give me a few more minutes while he was still warm, i kissed his forehead and whispered, "until we meet again my love." The doctors and crew took him, i had to go and sign papers so they could do an autopsy on him. The thought of him being cut open killed me, but they needed to be sure of the cause of death.

I left the doctors office and asked around for funeral services as he wanted to be buried here in St Tropez. A lady showed me to a local mortician, they arranged everything. The news media soon got wind of his death, again i was vilified, they blamed his death on me. It was then his agent took over and told the world he died of natural causes, that i was innocent and to be left in peace. That was the last time i seen or heard anything from Hollywood, except when i had to go to a will reading. Arnold left me everything, his houses, his wealth and his vast array of cars. I didn't need anymore wealth, I just wanted Julianna here, then eventually she did come, she came alone, she and Trudy had split up. I was delighted at this news, she moved into the house with me, i told her about my lover, she made a quip that made me laugh, she said, "you don't let their bodies go cold nanna." Of course she was joking, but I felt it was a joke with a jag. Julianna too had a new love, she brought her with her, a great girl named Sally, i really liked her, she had a great sense of humour, she definitely wasn't as buttoned up as Trudy was. Julianna helped me with the funeral, she loved Arnold, he was great with her and never once had a bad word to say about her. Arnold like me didn't like Trudy, he of course mentioned Julianna in his will, she was given several million dollars in a trust, she was to open a hospital in a country that didn't have the money or means to do it. Julianna had plans on opening up a hospital for the natives in Australia, but Trudy showed her racism, one of the many things that separated them. I informed her if that's what she wanted to do with Sally, then she should. I buried Arnold with only a handful of guests, guests he selected long before he realised he was sick. The media for once gave me privacy, it was a relief. Julianna stayed in St Tropez for six months, she met my lover Alexandra, she liked her very much. Julianna began making plans to return to Australia. I believe that would be the last i would see them. I began to feel like a black widow, but Alexandra told me that it wasn't me, it was fate that intervened.

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