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We went through the financial crash relatively unscathed, we gave away some of our gold to help with local businesses and orphaned households. Then the Second World War hit, the draft for soldiers was upon us. I had an accident while redecorating our home, causing me to smash my leg, i now had an excuse to not sign up for the draft. Josephine was relieved, she couldn't believe i was almost sent to Germany. I watched the families of those that lost people during Pearl Harbour, Elisa and i sent a huge donation to them, we knew those wives wouldn't have an income. Julianna was now almost twelve, she wanted to be a nurse, she wanted to travel to Germany to help. Josephine by this time had became world known for her music, she became worried for me, she knew enough about the tabloids on how they dive into peoples lives, she feared that our closely guarded secret became known to the world. We watched as a lot of men were signing up to go and fight in Japan and Germany. The men they decided were homosexual, simply for not being married or in a relationship, they became frightened, we offered them the house, but the government wanted the house to help with any injured servicemen that may return.

Josephine was in New York with Kenneth and Julianna, she was singing on a Broadway musical, she did her best to keep her mother and i out of the limelight. Josephine was becoming that famous, that Hollywood wanted her for films. Josephine took them up on their offer and she took a flight with her family on a private plane, one that belonged to a huge director. Our little girl was now making her own way in the world. It was strange times. The world was at war, but Hollywood was still in production, but it was a distraction for the family. While they were away, Elisa and i took a much needed break from helping people outside our family, we also had to deal with Mr Simpson, we had to sign him into a hospital as his mind was going, he was much older than us. I suspected it was dementia. It was a correct suspicion, his doctors confirmed it and they said he might not last to the end of the summer. Kenneth and Julianna came home to say goodbye as Josephine was extremely busy writing music for a new film. The film was a propaganda piece, it was to show the war in a positive way. There was mass censorship of all media during those days. We heard news of people being exterminated in the camps in Germany and Poland, a friend of ours whose family was taken simply because they were Jews. I warned the witch community of this over twenty years ago, we tried all we can to stop the war, but it failed, witches all over the world tried and failed to stop it. We began too late, had the entire community listened all those years ago, maybe, just maybe things wouldn't have got this bad.

We watched as many new injured men returned, we knew they would be placed in our house for rest and recuperation. Josephine was saving all her money to buy Kenneth a new business once the war was over. Elisa and i visited the house, we asked the men what they needed, they were all shell shocked, some of these men had been in the First World War, they were younger then, but much older now, so now they're badly injured, they'll suffer severe financial loss. I decided to set up a fund, to raise money to help injured servicemen. The fund grew massively, we helped men get some prosthetics as they were called, it would help them hugely with employment once the war ended. The war was finally coming to its end, Hitler was losing, soon the soviets and the allies liberated the camps in Germany and Poland of which there were many. We sat in shock at our local picture house at the images they broadcast to the world, then the news finally came, Hitler was dead. The European war had ended, but there was still war raging in Japan, the US dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Two bombs and devastating results. The world had changed, Julianna was now seventeen and she still wanted to be a nurse, she finally got her wish, she began working in a hospital and soon she worked her way up to being a nurse, our granddaughter was a natural.

Josephine and Kenneth stayed in LA, they bought a huge house, Kenneth had his own construction company. Elisa and I visited when we could, we hardly seen anything of Julianna, we knew she was courting as well, but she never introduced them to the family. I knew she wasn't courting a young man, but it wasn't my place to tell our daughter, after all she isn't stupid, she knew about me when she was twelve. The times were still precarious for people like us, but it seemed that men got the brunt of it, they never took much notice of women, when they did, they made comments like this, "she just hasn't found the right man yet." It always astounded me, the ignorance of these men, had they sat down and talked with us, we would've told them that we had been in relationships with men too. We have opened up to a lot of our granddaughters friends over the years, they already knew, but they were very understanding and welcoming, their parents at the beginning were not as understanding, but we eventually won them over. After the war, I began wearing women's clothing again, the dresses were shorter, we had nice pantyhose and nice shoes. It was weird in the beginning, but I really did miss them over the years. We still hardly seen Julianna, but we soon got devastating news, Kenneth has the same cancer his stepmother died from, she had stomach cancer, Kenneth was in the early stages, but we searched for the best doctors across the country. We found a doctor that had began using a treatment called chemotherapy. Kenneth was reluctant to use it, but Josephine begged him to begin treatment, he finally caved to her pleading. Kenneth soon began treatment and it was awful, he lost a lot of weight, his hair began falling out, he was sick all the time. I gave him a potion that would help him with the sickness and to help him gain a little more weight again, but it was failing. We had watched as Kenneth deteriorated rapidly, he wasn't getting better and the doctors told us to prepare for the worst. Julianna joined us, she kept him comfortable with modern medicine. My granddaughter was frightened to lose her father, but she spoke very candidly, Josephine could hardly look at him, we had to encourage her to spend as much time with him as possible. Then it hit me, our family still wasn't rid of the curse. I needed to do something. I went back to New Orleans alone, I asked the coven to do a complete cleansing of our family, we had enough happen to us now, i was at the end of my rope, to the point I even considered suicide. I thought if I died then the troubles would die with me. The coven told me that my death wouldn't stop the curse, it would enhance it. I came back to LA, Kenneth had deteriorated overnight, he was dying, Josephine was by his side talking to him like she would any other day. Our granddaughter Julianna by the point was now starting to realise she was about to lose her father, she was raging in the backyard, then suddenly her hands lit up like two candles. They weren't flames just a bright light from each hand. Julianna seen that I was watching and she sad nanna, "did you see that?" I replied, "I did darling, do me a favour and go and place your hands on your father and feel that same rage." Julianna flew upstairs, she told her mother what happened in the backyard, she was now in her rage again as Josephine wasn't allowing her to touch her father, but I told Josephine to let her. It became obvious, that our granddaughter was a light worker, I had read a lot about people with a healing touch, the fact she wanted to be a nurse since she was a child was a great indication. I made Josephine step aside, Julianna laid her hands on her father and the colour came back to his face, he was getting better, almost instantly. Josephine was shocked but I assured her that Julianna's gift was benign. Kenneth was on his feet agin the very next day, he went to the doctor and the doctor confirmed that the cancer had gone. It was truly an amazing moment.

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