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Nobody's pov:
The party went on all day, and everyone seemed to have fun, but the whole time, Ash was only looking at Y/n.

Time skip:

The bell rang to signal that it was the end of the day and everyone began rushing out of the doors to get outside.

Y/n pov:
I said bye to Gia and Coco and then started walking to Maddy's car, it was so unfair, I had already passed my driving test as soon as I turned 17 but I didn't see a white Range Rover for me anywhere? Oh well, I was happy for Maddy, she has been through so much and she really deserves it. I saw her sat behind the wheel, applying lipgloss in the mirror. She turned her head to me and rolled the window down "Get in bitch! I've got a party to go to!" I sighed. Maddy could be embarrassing sometimes, but I still got into the car. I wasn't missing a free ride home. "You're going to a party? Isn't this like, our second day back here?" It turns out it wasn't a party, just her and Nate going to Kat's house with a few other friends.

Maddy dropped me off outside our house and drove straight to Nate's place. I walked up to the front door when I realised that Maddy had took the only spare key to the house, I rang the doorbell but there was no answer, mom must be at work.
I messaged Coco to see if I could go to her place

My cousins didn't even live here anymore, they moved to Denmark a few months ago

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My cousins didn't even live here anymore, they moved to Denmark a few months ago.
But then I had an idea, my old babysitter still lived here! And I still had their number so I could just go there!

At the house:

I knocked on the door, and waited for it to open. After a couple minutes the outside door was finally unlocked. "Y/n is that you?" Ok good I was at the right house, "Yo Fez! Yeah it's me! Can I come in for a little while Maddy locked me out the house by accident." Fez hugged me "Of course! Come in, don't mind the mess, I'm still in the yk, business." Shocker, Fez was still dealing. To be honest I didn't know what I was expecting, even though I haven't been inside the place since I was 4. "Fez, you know I don't care about that shit, just don't tell my mom I was here, she'll kill me. And have you gone soft? You hugging me? Weird asf for you"I laughed, he nodded but he knew I was joking and we walked inside. I heard a familiar voice, "FEZ! WHO WAS THAT? MOUSE? ONE OF HIS GUYS? ILL GET A GUN DONT WORRY" I burst out laughing. "NO! Bro it's fine it's just some girl I used to babysit!" Fez replied. "OH" then Fez started laughing, "y/n come on I want you to meet someone"

He led me into what used to be the spare bedroom where there was a boy who looked about my age sat on the bed. Fez turned the light on "Bro what are you doing sat in the dark? Are you weird or something" when the light flicked on I looked at the boys face and saw that it was the boy from earlier! "Y/n?" He said "wait yall know each other?" Fez asked. "Yeah he moved in my class today" I replied, "Oh, I'll leave y'all in here then, y/n come to me if you need anything, and Ash, no weird shit in here ok? Leave the door open." Fez said, walking back toward the living room.
When I turned back around I saw that Ash was staring at me, "Ash? You ok?" I asked, he nodded and patted the space on the bed next to him, showing me to sit down. We sat and talked for a while.

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