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water fountain- alec benjamin
"my heart it will be open, and I'll try to give it"

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears, it's too fucking early for this shit. 7:30, on a Saturday, I'm meant to be still asleep dreaming or whatever. But no, I'm awake getting ready to fake going to work.

I walked straight into my bathroom and turned on the shower, making sure it's cold because I still wasn't fully awake. When I stepped into the shower I closed my eyes and stood still for a minute, just thinking. Thinking of the things I've done right, what I've done wrong, what I could've changed to make myself a better person. Something I've noticed while living here is that everyone's life is fucked. There's no fixing things, there's only helping, the help being drugs.

When I finished showering I got changed into some Nike pro leggings and one of Ash's hoodies then continued getting ready. By the time I was done it was 10:30 and I got a text from Ash.


Hey ma you want me
to pick u up?

Yes please ❤️

Ight I'll be there in 10,
Faye's going to be there

I thought Custer
took her?

So did I but Fez brought
her back yesterday
Read 10:33

Ash came to pick me up at 10:45, I grabbed my bag and said bye to Jay and Mouse before leaving. I got into the car and said hi to Ash and he started driving us to the gas station.

"Nobody usually comes in until about 11:45 so we have some time to hang out"
"I know you said hang out but I have a feeling that hang out means you interrogating me about what I said the other day"
"What did you mean?"
"Mouse has this huge plan to get you and Fez into this massive debt with him so that he can either take someone you guys love or kill you. I'm trying to persuade him to leave you guys alone because I don't want you to get hurt. You guys are some of the people I'm closest to and I don't know what I'd do without you."
"So you're doing all this for us?"
"Of course."
"But you're putting yourself in danger."
"I don't care Ash. I'll do anything for the people I love, you know that."
"But we can defend ourselves"
"While getting yourselves hurt. I'm his daughter, I may not be his favourite but I can persuade Jay to turn against him to help me. That way we can fix things without anyone dying"
"I'm not going to let you do anything that puts you in danger. I don't want to lose you. It's already happened to me once and that was one of the worst times in my life. I don't want it to happen again."
"I really don't know what I'd do without you Ash"

We got out of the car and I hugged him tight before we went inside.
"Hey Fez! I thought you were going to be out?"
"Yeah I'm leaving soon, was just waiting for you and Ash to get here"
"Oh okay, you know what time you'll be coming back?"
"Nah, I'll let yall know though"

We said bye to Fez and went into the back. Ash started setting things up and I sat on the couch on my phone.
"Uh, y/n I've been meaning to speak to you about something. Its pretty important"
"Oh of course. Go ahead!"

I turned off my phone and looked up at him, he put everything down before walking over to the couch.
"So, about what I told you at Laurie's"
"What? If I'm being honest I was high there so I don't really remember anything that happened"
"Oh, it doesn't really matter then."
"No Ash go ahead! I won't judge"
"I'm just worried that it might ruin our friendship, and I don't want that to happen"
"It won't! Ash honestly don't worry about it"
"I'm listening"

He laid his head back and sighed.
"I think I love you."
"I think I love you y/n. It's weird, I've never felt like this towards anyone before. It's like I'd do anything for you, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. You're so important to me and I don't think you understand how bad I felt after we broke up. You're my everything."
"Ash, I"
"Its fine if you don't feel the same. I've been an asshole to you. But even if you don't feel the same I'll still love you."
"No, I love you Ash. I've never heard you open up to anyone like that before"
"You love me?"
"Yes. And I will forever"

I turned to him and kissed him.

This is a really short chapter but it means a lot to the rest of the story, I'm so sad it's going to be ending soon. But this was my first story and it's been so fun writing it. I have a few of the other chapters saved as drafts and I'm going to be publishing them very soon! <3

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