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Nobody's pov:
Y/n screamed, running to the car. "Woah, y/n calm down what's wrong?" Ash said getting out and walking towards y/n.

Y/n pov:
I collapsed onto Ash's shoulder. "Ash please you need to come in here right now" I said, dragging him to the house by his hand. He looked confused, but ran in with me anyways. I led him up to my mom's room and showed him what happened. My mom was on the floor, the whole room was covered in blood, Ash immediately knelt down and checked her pulse, while calling Fez, "Fez you need to get here right now, it's an emergency"
"Bro what? You just went to get clothes with y/n it can't be that bad?"
"Fez come on just listen, something happened to y/n's mom while we were gone"
He hung up the phone and grabbed a towel from the laundry closet outside, "y/n roll this up and put it under your mom's head like a pillow ok?" He said to me. I did it as quickly as I could,
"Ash what happened? Is she okay?"
"Y/n just go and pack a suitcase with all your shit okay? And call Maddy"
I called Maddy as fast as I could

Ashtray pov:
How was I meant to tell y/n that her mom didn't have a pulse? Or that she was shot right in the chest? Oh god I felt so bad, but Fez would be here soon.

Time skip

Y/n pov:
Maddy and Fez both burst through the door at the same time, Maddy running straight to me and Fez going straight into my mom's room. "Y/n what happened? Where's mom? And why's Fez here? You know mom hates him."
"Maddy sshh, we need to listen for what Ash and Fez are saying in there"
"Who's a-" I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand. We were both listening to what Fez and Ash were saying, about a minute later, Ash walked up to me and hugged me tight.
"Have you got all your stuff packed up?" He asked me softly, still holding onto me.
"Yeah, why? What happened to my mom?"
"Y/n come on and sit in the car with your stuff, Fez is helping her right now don't worry, Maddy you should probably pack some stuff up and go to a friends house as-well" he said. Me and Ash walked to the car, and I sat in the back seat beside him. He put his hand on my thigh, and sighed loudly before starting to tell me what happened.

Ashtray pov:
"Y/n listen, you need to know that I'm here for you, but I need to tell you the truth, while we were gone, your mom was shot, it looks like somebody might have broken in through the upstairs window, but me and Fez have called an ambulance and they're on the way right now okay?" Y/n collapsed onto me and burst into tears. I hugged her tight, I really like her, and I want her to know that I'm always here for her when she needs me.

Y/n pov:
I was laid on Ash, and he was hugging me tight, I hugged him back and slowly stopped crying, he was super mean to everybody else, but he seemed to have a soft spot for me.

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