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you get me so high- the neighbourhood
"you're my best-friend, I'll love you forever"

In the past y/n had a few relationships, they all ended in pretty shitty ways. But I've never seen her love anyone like she did Ashtray. He was her everything, she couldn't do anything without him, and he couldn't do anything without her. Some might say they were soulmates. Others might think differently, but either way. They were in love. Stupid teenage love. -Maddy Perez.


Me and Ash have been dating again for a few months, everything has been good so far. No arguments, no cheating. It's all perfect, and my ship has sailed, Fez and Lexi started dating a couple weeks after me and Ash did, they're made for each other. As for me? I left my dads house and he disappeared. When I left Jay told me that he wasn't going to be able to communicate with me anymore, I miss him. I mean he's my brother. And while we were together we'd gotten really close again.

I still live with Maddy but I stay with Ash a lot, I have a shared room with Faye at Fez and Ash's place, they treat me like part of the family. Faye is one of my best friends. I'm not as close to her as I am to other people like Rue of course. But since Rue started seeing this blonde girl Jules I think? She's been distancing herself from everyone, but she came in the other week to get matching tattoos with Jules from Ash, he let me do them though. He taught me how to do tattoos, I even did one on him. It was a little heart with my initials, he did the same on me with the initials A.T.

I've been reading through some of my old diaries, they show me how fucked my life used to be before I was with Ash. He's helped me, like a-lot. I don't think he realises how much he's changed things for me.

"Y/n are you going to the carnival today?"
"Yeah of course Maddy, I wouldn't miss it"
"Let me guess, you're going to be with Ash?"
"Let me guess, I'm going to see you at the pretzel stand? Looking for molly?"
"Shhh, get ready. I want to pick up some of the girls so we're going early"
"Fine, but who?"
"Bb, Kat, Lexi, Cassie"
"What she's my best friend"
"I don't know Maddy. She seems like the type of girl who would betray you. Like big time."
"I'll give you $500 if you're right."

She's going to owe me $500 really soon. One thing about me is that I know everything about everyone. So obviously I know about Cassie fucking Nate. I'm not going to tell Maddy, yet. She seems so happy, and she's my sister. I'm planning on confronting Cassie about it myself before telling Maddy. That might make me seem like a bitch, but its all because I care about her. I do stupid things for the people I love. And I always will. I'm the loyal type.

I got changed

(think of your own if you don't like it)

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(think of your own if you don't like it)

And put my hair into a basic high ponytail before meeting Maddy downstairs.
"You ready?"

We got into the car and drove to Lexi's place. I don't like calling it Cassie's house because I don't like Cassie. Yes im petty like that.

I went up to the door and before I could knock I was met by all the girls squealing at me.
"Y/n we haven't seen you in so long!"
"I know where have you been?"
"Guys chill. I've been taking some time for myself. Plus I was texting y'all basically every day! Its not like I was dead"
"Yeah like your mom"

Everyone turned around to Cassie.
"The fuck did you just say?"
"I said at least you're not dead. Like your mom"
"Bitch no the fuck you didn't."
"Oh yes I did"
"You know what else I know you did? Nate Jacobs. Yeah I know about that. Yeah I know that you're a backstabbing little bitch who fucked your best friends ex boyfriend while she was talking about getting back together with him. And now you have the nerve to talk shit about my dead mom? So don't even try and speak down about me or anybody in my family. You're just some little whore who needs every little drop of male validation she can get. So, who the fuck do you think you are!"

Maddy got out of the car and walked over.
"Woah what's going on?"
I shook my head at the others.
"We're coming Mads don't worry"
"Yeah we were just catching up with y/n"
"Well lets hurry! I don't want to miss the molly and y/n probably doesn't want to be late for her boyfriend so lets go!"
"Y/n has a boyfriend?"
"Yes I do but we don't need to speak about that right now so lets just go."

We all got into the car. Cassie had the audacity to sit in the passenger seat right next to the girl who's ex boyfriend she was fucking. But I was going to ignore it. For now. I'm going to fuck her up soon I promise you.

When we got to the carnival I split up from the others to go straight to the pretzel stand, they were going to be there. Just a little later.

"Hey Ash!"
"Yo ma, you comin in?"
"Obvi, why else would I be here"
"Don't be tryin to get like that wit me, minion."
"I'm not even that short!"
"Yes you are!"

That was his new nickname for me. Minion. Its because apparently I'm soooo short when I'm only a tiny bit smaller than him.

"You look pissed ma"
"I am."
"What's up?"
"Again? Have you told Maddy about her yet?"
"Nope. But I'm going to. Especially after what she said to me before I came here."
"What'd she say?"
"She talked shit about my mom."
"For real? That's fucked up."

I looked up at him and he must have noticed me tearing up because he pulled me into a hug.
"I'm always here for you ma, I love you"
"I love you Ash. I don't think you understand how much I love you."
"You for real got to beat her ass though, she can't be sayin shit like that"
"Im not thinking of beating her up yet. But I do have an idea."
"What's that?"
"So she's going to come here for molly later. And I basically want to make hers really strong so she goes around here embarrassing herself"
"Ion know if I can do that. I can try"
"Thanks so much Ash"
"Anything for you ma"

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