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The investigation of my moms murder had been closed so me and Maddy moved back into the house, I still hadn't told Ashtray that I found out about him and my cousin. I still can't believe what he did. He was my reason to stop doing drugs, I did it all for him, but now I'd relapsed. And it was all his fault.

Phone call from : Ashtray 💀

Hey ma? You doin okay? I haven't seen you in a couple days.

Yeah everything's just fine Ash.

Alright, just don't come over later I'm gonna be out doin business.

Cool, I'll prolly be workin at the shop wit Fezco anyways, no big deal.

You sure you doin okay? You sound off today ma.

I'm fine Ash! I gotta go, I'll speak to you later

Oh okay, bye ma love you

Bye Ash.

End of call.

Ash definitely noticed that I'd been acting weird around him. I tried to make up excuses every time he asked for me to come over but I was running out of ideas. I messaged Elli.

Elli 💔❤️‍🔥🔪

Hey Elli! You doing anything tn?

Yeah actually!

Cool, cool. Wyd?

Going over to a guys house 😉

Omg srsly! You're fucking?

Shhhh don't tell anyone

Fine. But only if you tell me his name.

Ugh fine. He's called Ashtray.

Really? I know his brother!

Cool! You sure it's him tho?

He got a buzz cut, face tattoos and anger issues?

Definitely him.

Ight I gtg fr now, bye Elli!

Bye ❤️

End of convo.

So everything was confirmed, Ash wasn't doing business, the only thing he was gonna be doing was my cousin. Does he not know her last name?
Fuckin idiot.

Anyways, me and Maddy had a plan to sneak over to his house later pretending that I left something there from before I moved out. Then, I would walk in on him and Elli and break up with him, and speak to her aswell, she must have seen my TikTok and insta posts, right?

Just then I got a notification. The euphoria high tea page had edited mine and Gia's fight. Where did they even get the video?
(Video on @/ttheyluvsofi. It's shared with my other story)
Why would Ashtray send anyone the video? The only people we said he was allowed to send it to was the people that were there! Oh shit. Unless he sent it to my old number instead of my new one, and guess who has my old number.
Cassie mother fucking Howard.

Her sister is literally one of my best friends why would she even do this? So much is going on right now and I don't even wanna think about it all, I feel like my brain is about to explode rn.

It was 4:30 pm, the time I told Ashtray that I was going to be working with Fez. Me and Maddy had met up at the gas station and told Fez everything, he agreed to help us and he realised that Ash had really fucked up,
"Yo Fez before we leave, you know if your dealer guys still have that fentanyl?"
"Y/n don't be fuckin wit that stuff"
"Nah I'm just askin"

I wasn't. Fentanyl hits fast and hard. I'd tried it before by force, it made me feel like shit because I wasn't doing as much then, but now? Coke wasn't hitting the same anymore and I needed
something new.

"Here's some money tho imma grab some molly from the back real quick"
"Cool, make sure you write it down so that Ash can see that you bought some"
"I will, bye Fezzy!"
"See ya kid"

Me and Maddy walked out and I put the molly in the side of my sock, where else was I meant to put it? I don't carry a bag!

We got into Maddy's car and I drove to the end of the street that Ashtray and Fezco's house was on, I could see a different car out the front of their house. Must be Elli's.

"You sure you want to do this babe?"
"Maddy we need to."
"I'm just making sure"
"K, I still have a spare key, but Fez said that we should probably go through his bedroom window, Lexi is in there waiting for us."
"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go end this low cheating cunt."

I just laughed as we got out of the car, we were wearing matching black juicy tracksuits, we didn't want to be seen but we still needed to look hot doing it, or else what's the point?

We started running up the street to the house, Maddy tripped over something just as I was climbing over the fence, so I ended up falling while trying not to laugh.
"Bitch this isn't funny!"
She whisper shouted at me.
"Maddy I've lost my breath, I landed on the fucking cement"
"Well you're still alive, now move I need to come over"

I stood up and walked over to Fez's bedroom window, I could see that it was slightly open and Lexi was in there on her phone, Maddy stood behind me.
"Let me message Lexi so that she can cover for us, just in case we're a little loud yk?"
"Alright be quick, or Elli's gonna be gone"
"Chill I'm doing it!"

After I sent the message Lexi looked up at the window and opened it wider for us.
I climbed in first and flopped onto the bed,
Maddy came in after and went straight over to the door, then we heard footsteps.

She ran and we both rolled under the bed, it was Ash who had been walking, and now he was at the door,
"Yo Lexi can you be quiet in here? I've got my girlfriend over"
"Y/n is here?"
"Yeah so please shut up"
"Alright chill"

What a fucking cunt, pretending that my cousin is me so he doesn't get caught? What the fuck.

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